Error when installing openhab2 on raspi b3

hi everyone, I am beginner with openhab
i have error when i install openhab2 on raspi 3B
i use raspi 3B and 16G SD card.
I have done like instruction on
when i use

2017-03-03_16:18:59_UTC [openHABian] Booting for the first time! The initial setup might take a few minutes.
2017-03-03_16:19:00_UTC [openHABian] Storing configuration…
2017-03-03_16:19:00_UTC [openHABian] Changing default username and password…
2017-03-03_16:19:01_UTC [openHABian] Setting up Wifi connection… SKIPPED
2017-03-03_16:19:01_UTC [openHABian] Ensuring network connectivity…
2017-03-03_16:19:01_UTC [openHABian] Waiting for dpkg/apt to get ready…
2017-04-08_07:25:22_UTC [openHABian] Updating repositories and upgrading installed packages… OK
2017-04-08_07:28:34_UTC [openHABian] Installing git package… FAILED
2017-03-03_16:18:52_UTC [openHABian] Booting for the first time! The initial setup might take a few minutes.
2017-03-03_16:18:52_UTC [openHABian] Storing configuration…
2017-03-03_16:18:52_UTC [openHABian] Setting up Wifi connection… SKIPPED
2017-03-03_16:18:52_UTC [openHABian] Ensuring network connectivity…
2017-03-03_16:18:52_UTC [openHABian] Waiting for dpkg/apt to get ready…
2017-04-08_07:35:16_UTC [openHABian] Updating repositories and upgrading installed packages… OK
2017-04-08_07:35:55_UTC [openHABian] Installing git package… OK
2017-04-08_07:36:29_UTC [openHABian] Cloning myself… OK
2017-04-08_07:36:33_UTC [openHABian] === Executing ‘’ ===
2017-04-08_07:36:33_UTC [openHABian] Checking for root privileges… OK
2017-04-08_07:36:33_UTC [openHABian] Loading configuration file ‘/etc/openhabian.conf’… OK
2017-04-08_07:36:33_UTC [openHABian] Setting timezone based on IP geolocation… OK (Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh)
2017-04-08_14:37:49_ICT [openHABian] Setting locale based on openhabian.conf… OK
2017-04-08_14:38:15_ICT [openHABian] Setting hostname of the base system… OK
2017-04-08_14:38:15_ICT [openHABian] Setting the GPU memory split down to 16MB for headless system… OK
2017-04-08_14:38:15_ICT [openHABian] Installing basic can’t-be-wrong packages (screen, vim, …)… OK
2017-04-08_14:40:32_ICT [openHABian] Installing additional needed packages… OK
2017-04-08_14:40:51_ICT [openHABian] Adding slightly tuned bash config files to system… OK
2017-04-08_14:40:51_ICT [openHABian] Adding slightly tuned vim config file to system… OK
2017-04-08_14:40:51_ICT [openHABian] Downloading and setting up FireMotD… OK
2017-04-08_14:41:42_ICT [openHABian] Installing etckeeper (git based /etc backup)… OK
2017-04-08_14:42:36_ICT [openHABian] Installing Zulu Embedded OpenJDK… OK
2017-04-08_14:47:03_ICT [openHABian] Installing openHAB 2.0 (stable)… OK
2017-04-08_14:49:36_ICT [openHABian] Adding openHAB syntax to vim editor… OK
2017-04-08_14:49:37_ICT [openHABian] Adding openHAB syntax to nano editor… OK
2017-04-08_14:49:38_ICT [openHABian] Preparing openHAB folder mounts under /srv/… OK
2017-04-08_14:49:38_ICT [openHABian] Applying file permissions recommendations… OK
2017-04-08_14:49:41_ICT [openHABian] Applying miscellaneous system settings… OK
2017-04-08_14:49:41_ICT [openHABian] Setting up Samba for the default user… 2017-03-03_23:18:50_ICT [openHABian] Booting for the first time! The initial setup might take a few minutes.
2017-03-03_23:18:50_ICT [openHABian] Storing configuration…
2017-03-03_23:18:50_ICT [openHABian] Setting up Wifi connection… SKIPPED
2017-03-03_23:18:50_ICT [openHABian] Ensuring network connectivity…
2017-03-03_23:18:50_ICT [openHABian] Waiting for dpkg/apt to get ready…
2017-04-08_14:54:20_ICT [openHABian] Updating repositories and upgrading installed packages… OK
2017-04-08_14:55:01_ICT [openHABian] Installing git package… OK
2017-04-08_14:55:03_ICT [openHABian] Cloning myself… FAILED
2017-03-03_23:18:51_ICT [openHABian] Booting for the first time! The initial setup might take a few minutes.
2017-03-03_23:18:51_ICT [openHABian] Storing configuration…
2017-03-03_23:18:51_ICT [openHABian] Setting up Wifi connection… SKIPPED
2017-03-03_23:18:51_ICT [openHABian] Ensuring network connectivity…
2017-03-03_23:18:51_ICT [openHABian] Waiting for dpkg/apt to get ready…
2017-04-08_15:00:11_ICT [openHABian] Updating repositories and upgrading installed packages… OK
2017-04-08_15:00:48_ICT [openHABian] Installing git package… OK
2017-04-08_15:00:49_ICT [openHABian] Cloning myself… FAILED

I have not installed yet
thanks for help me

Have you got a quality SD card; or an eBay clone?
This is where I would be looking first…

E.g. download FakeFlashTest and check the card…

i checked my sd card with FakeFlashTest
anh this is the result : Device quick test was OK *** PASSED ***
but the Capacity of the memory card is 15,2GB
is this ok?
thanks for help me

OK, then… do you have a quality power supply, as the rPi3 will be less tolerant than the rPi2 when it comes to power. Even if the power supply can provide the 2A, another trap is the USB cable being used. Cheap cables have the thinnest of wires, where the voltage will collapse. The wire gauge for USB cables used on a rPi should be at least AWG 22.

Once you made sure all is working well, and you have no boot problems, try rewriting the SD card and start from scratch; if the error persists, you may want to post in the openHABIAN thread…
Good luck.

thank so much. i did backup my teacher’s SD card that have install openhab2 ,
then i write on my sd card and now i working on my raspi.
thanks for help

I am glad it is all working for you…

It is unfortunate that so many issues perceived to exist with the rPi and the OS are more often than not related to:

  1. power supply
  2. SD card (fake ones)
  3. USB cable wire gauge (causing significant voltage drop down to 0.5V)
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