Error Yahoo binding

After yesterday update of opnehabian and openhab2 following error appears every 1 minute in openhab.log

2020-05-23 14:16:22.981 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing ‘openhab-binding-yahooweather, openhab-misc-restdocs’

The binding/Service is not visible in Paper-UI. So I have no chance to remove it.

Anybody an idea how to get rid of that error?

Restdocs move and yahoo weather was removed because the service is no longer available.
This is documented in the Release Notes for 2.5.0.

The addons.config file in the userdata tree has the entries. Not addons.cfg in the config tree.

Stop OH before editing. You can install restdocs after removing the invalid entries.

Finally I found it in

deleted the entry in bindings="… and misc="…

rebooted the system and got error free

thanx a lot Bruce_Osborne

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