Events.log: rotation creates only events.log.7

Since I switched to OH2.2 and the new logging system I’m struggling with the events.log file.

-rwxr-xr-x 1 ulrich ulrich 1,9M Jan  3 17:54 /media/gehirn/log/openhab2/events.log
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ulrich ulrich  11M Jan  3 14:32 /media/gehirn/log/openhab2/events.log.7

-rwxr-xr-x 1 ulrich ulrich 1,6M Jan  3 17:18 /media/gehirn/log/openhab2/openhab.log
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ulrich ulrich 5,1M Dez 27 11:41 /media/gehirn/log/openhab2/openhab.log.1

When the events.log reaches its limit it is rotated to events.log.7, the old file is getting overwritten.
As far as I can see it now, it does not happen with the other log files.

Here is my configuration for the events.log:

# Event log appender
log4j2.appender.event.type = RollingRandomAccessFile = EVENT
log4j2.appender.event.fileName = /var/log/openhab2/events.log
log4j2.appender.event.filePattern = /var/log/openhab2/events.log.%i
log4j2.appender.event.immediateFlush = true
log4j2.appender.event.append = true
log4j2.appender.event.layout.type = PatternLayout
log4j2.appender.event.layout.pattern = %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%-26.26c] - %m%n
log4j2.appender.event.policies.type = Policies
log4j2.appender.event.policies.size.type = SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy
log4j2.appender.event.policies.size.size = 10MB

This should be quite standard.
I have no idea what’s wrong here. Can there be somewhere some a leftover of an old configuration.

Thanks for your help

this looks a lot like a failing sd card.

The log files are located on an external hard drive, so this reason would be a surprise for me.

But nevertheless I will prepare myself for a re-installation.

I think I could solve it:

log4j2.appender.event.strategy.type = DefaultRolloverStrategy
log4j2.appender.event.strategy.max = 10
log4j2.appender.event.strategy.fileIndex = min

I had to delete my events.log.7 and add the parameter fileIndex.