Evohome Authentication failed

Openhab 4

Yesterday after a reboot of the system the Evohome binding seems to have failed, in so far as when the system tries to connect with my Honeywell Total Connect Comfort account I get an error message:

2024-12-13 08:33:05.342 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'evohome:account:8d4291dfc3' changed from INITIALIZING to OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): Authentication failed

I am still able to login via Honeywells Evohome app using the same username and password as embedded in the evohome account thing.

As I had not udated the system for quite a while I tried updating the system to Openhhab 4.3.0.M5 but still get the same error.

has anyone else experienced this?

Or can anyone suggest how I might go about resolving the problem?

Thanks in advance for your help and advice.

It has now just as mysteriously started working again :slightly_smiling_face: