Ewelink / Sonoff Binding - New binding without flashing

Just as a quick test I also reinstalled the original 3.0 and tested it. It still scans and finds the device, but the temperature and other channels don’t work…just wanted to make sure nothing else had broken.

Yeah I’ll be working more on it tomorrow, had enough for today. Call of duty time :wink:

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Hi @delid4ve,

Loving the work on this binding, any chance we can get Sonoff LED L1?

I have 3, you can see them in the logs but not showing as things, installed your latest snapshot so have all debug logs also.

What do you need from me?

Great someone with a new device :+1:
Just the file created under userdata/Sonoff or the discovery response json

Excellent, got 3 files for you…

1000f7ed7e.txt (1.4 KB)

1001017b2a.txt (1.4 KB)

1001018593.txt (1.4 KB)

I’m done work for the day, and ready to test anything on getting the other points/channels working on any new build you create. Thanks in advance, if you start a bounty thing (not sure how to do this, but have heard them mentioned), I’ll be happy to contribute.

A little bit busy for the next 24 with work, will jump on as soon as.

@Damian_Ryan can you send me the discovery response (when you initially start the binding or every 60 seconds with debug logging enabled - hash out user/pass), turns out them files not enough as some fields missing (will fix in next build).

“sonoff:device:9c1fd2a29b:100093a626”: {
“class”: “org.openhab.core.config.discovery.internal.DiscoveryResultImpl”,
“value”: {
“bridgeUID”: {
“segments”: [
“uid”: “sonoff:account:9c1fd2a29b”
“thingUID”: {
“segments”: [
“uid”: “sonoff:device:9c1fd2a29b:100093a626”
“thingTypeUID”: {
“segments”: [
“uid”: “”
“properties”: {
“Brand”: “CNSKOU”,
“Type”: “SK-A801T”,
“IP Address”: “”,
“API Key”: “c9a68ab9-117b-4902-84a1-e7ef04eb5fcb”,
“deviceKey”: “586287bc-b16f-4d07-b428-7564ecebefc9”,
“deviceId”: “100093a626”,
“Name”: “Sala”
“representationProperty”: “100093a626”,
“flag”: “NEW”,
“label”: “Sala”,
“timestamp”: 1614642173052,
“timeToLive”: -1

Yeah dunno where that came from :joy:

If you enable debug logging from the console for the binding there will be a huge json string come into openhab.log every 60 seconds (this is what I need) :+1:

Pm me it as will be big, and put in code fences

Eagerly waiting for the next iteration of the build for 2.5.x :). BTW, uiid 1 (RE5V1C) device also does not work as it cannot be discovered in the PaperUI. If adding manually which item should I choose for this uiid (1) ? Please note I’m using 2.5.11 version of the binding. Many thanks in advance.

No problem, I’ll get this over later today.

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Apologies for the delay getting new version out. This week been a bit crazy. I might get some time over the weekend but if not next week

I’m home all weekend and ready to test whatever you’ve got :slight_smile:

No worries, thanks for updating us though.

Looking forward to testing the L1’s… they’ve always been a pain to integrate, you can use tasmota but loose some functions in the process. (At least that used to be the case, not checked recent versions.)

Hi, first off I think this binding is awesome. Makes things so much simpler than having to flash all ones Sonoff devices.

I have been able to get TX2C light switch working well in Openhab3 via this Sonoff Binding. State is updated in Openhab3 and the switch item in Openhab3 is able to toggle the physical on off state on the device.

I have a Sonoff Micro thought that doesn’t want to toggle the physical state from within Openhab3 item. It’s Thing, channel and item has been added without problem but it doesn’t want to respond to the On Off command from Openhab3. It does update the state when toggled from eWelink though.

I havent looked at loggs etc but if necessary just let me know.

Strange… I’m using a Sonoff micro (usb) and so too someone else.

Last versions were a bit buggy where I changed quite a bit so wait for this next one as I’m able to test micro so should work fine

Thanks, I’ll definitely test again when update is ready.

I download the last binding and now all works!! I successfully connect (discover with the scan )KTNNKG-01W and 2CH12VSJ02CSRF 2ch Relay and they are work!!!

A little testing info: If I switch on/off from OH interface it switches immediately. If I switch on/off on relay itself, OH update status after one-two seconds but it also a good result. Again thx for your work.

Just an update on the problem I had with the Sonoff Micro that didn’t want to switch the physical state of the device from within Openhab3.
It turns out if you have some local devices and others that aren’t local to Openhab3 but in another location then you have to set the Sonoff Account Thing settings to Cloud Only. Having it on Cloud and Local makes the remote devices not work correctly. Having it on Cloud only fixes that.

Hi, i was able to connect to new diy sonoff dual r3 using this binding. I am on openhab 3.

After finding diy mode was not working on dual r3 i was disappointed but this binding saved the day. I have purchased bunch of dual r3.

I used local mode in account thing. I will be testing this more over few more days.
