Exec binding error

Dear Community,

I have a problem with the exec binding, everything was fine for 2-3 years but all out of a sudden i get an error.

My openhab runs on a ubuntu server.
I configured an item and a thing to run this shell command : ssh root@ ‘shutdown -p now’ to turn off my nas server. if i run the command from putty it runs everything is fine.

when i turn on the switch item andi i look in the openhab logs i see this warning and i don’t know what this means:

==> /var/log/openhab/openhab.log <==

2024-03-14 14:57:45.634 [WARN ] [ng.exec.internal.handler.ExecHandler] - An exception occurred while executing '[sh, -c, ssh root@ 'shutdown -p now']' : 'Cannot run program "sh": error=0, Failed to exec spawn helper: pid: 1794900, signal: 11'

Did you do an update of the used java installation ?
I think others reported that or a similar problem after updating.
For them a reboot solved the problem.

Thanks @Wolfgang_S ! I did not think about such a trivial solution, the reboot fixed it!
I did an update from OH3 to OH4 and i also updated the java version because OH4 won’t run otherwise but that was months ago. After the update this wasn’t a problem.

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