Exec Binding: Problem with Exec thing which calls one and the same script (OpenHAB 2)


I have a shell script which retrieves weather data.
The script takes the type of data as parameter, e.g.:

To get the windspeed the script has to be called with parameter windspeed:

    weather.sh windspeed

To get the winddirection the script has to be called with parameter winddirection :

    weather.sh winddirection

As long as I have just one thing configured, everthing works fine.
Once I define two things which call one and the same script with different parameters it no longer works.

Things file:

Thing exec:command:weather_windspeed       [command="/etc/openhab2/shellscripts/weather.sh windspeed", interval=60, timeout=5, autorun=false, transform="REGEX((.*?))]
Thing exec:command:weather_winddirection   [command="/etc/openhab2/shellscripts/weather.sh winddirection", interval=60, timeout=5, autorun=false, transform="REGEX((.*?))]

Items file:

String Weather_Windspeed            "Windgeschwindigkeit [%s km/h]"           <wind>    { channel="exec:command:weather_windspeed:output" }
String Weather_WindDirection        "Windrichtung [%s]"                       <wind>    { channel="exec:command:weather_winddirection:output" }

The openhab.log show the following warnings:

2017-04-21 22:04:14.168 [INFO ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Refreshing model 'exec.things'
2017-04-21 22:04:14.199 [WARN ] [.thing.internal.GenericThingProvider] - Thing sh does not have a bridge so it needs to be defined in full notation like <bindingId>:sh:winddirection
2017-04-21 22:04:14.214 [WARN ] [.thing.internal.GenericThingProvider] - Thing sh does not have a bridge so it needs to be defined in full notation like <bindingId>:sh:winddirection
2017-04-21 22:04:14.288 [WARN ] [.thing.internal.GenericThingProvider] - Thing sh does not have a bridge so it needs to be defined in full notation like <bindingId>:sh:winddirection


Found the problem, I missed the closing " for the REGEX:-(

Thing exec:command:weather_windspeed       [command="/etc/openhab2/shellscripts/weather.sh windspeed", interval=60, timeout=5, autorun=false, transform="REGEX((.*?))"]
Thing exec:command:weather_winddirection   [command="/etc/openhab2/shellscripts/weather.sh winddirection", interval=60, timeout=5, autorun=false, transform="REGEX((.*?))"]