Experience with integrating Devolo Smoke detector / zwave?


may I ask how you managed to get the Devolo Smoke sensors to work ?

I can ‘attach’ them via zWave (they are fould as ’ 09813 Home Control Smoke Detector’), but they dont seem to deliver any status/battery data or updates.

Many thanks, Brandy

Hi Franz,

if I recall correctly:

  1. You have to link all channels.
  2. I have selected for each possible associated groups the controller in habmin.
  3. Pushed 5 times, or so, the alarm button.
  4. Then it may takes time until the network heal. I am not sure, if I forced a heal.
  5. Pushed 5 times, or so, the alarm button.

The adjustment was not in a straightforward manner. It could be, that I decreased the command poll period or wakeup interval during configuration.


Hi Bernd,

thank you for the response! It seems the problem was a missing ‘lifeline’ association group. It was added in the latest snapshot of the binding (after my call for help in the German openhab forum), and since I installed that one, the devices are working.

Kind regards, Franz