Experimental rules and light sensor

Using openhabian2 and zwave. Have half a dozen items, mostly light bulbs and switches working using simple time of day triggers.

I recently got the zw100 multisensor. All I want for now is luminosity as I’d rather have the lights triggered on by luminosity than time.

I know rules in paperui is expermental, but I’m having some trouble.
the zw100 is found and shows as a thing with the various sensor capabilties, but when I go to change settings, the item “Report the Current Power Mode” defaults to “2”, yet I need it to be “1”.
When I change it to “1” and save, I get an internal server 500 error

Additionally, when I try to setup a rule based on luminosity, there is no luminosity level to select as the trigger.


I can’t help with the first part. But the second part the answer is you need to create an Item and link the Item to the luminosity channel of the zw100 Thing.

Rules, persistence, and the UIs (except for PaperUI which is an administration interface not intended for users of your home automation) all operate on Items, not Things directly.

Thanks for the reply, and I hear what you are saying…but then the whole idea of paperui just confuses things even further.

Do you want to present the same user interface to the users of you home automation (spouce, children, house guests) as you use to set up and configure the home automation (add devices, write rules, etc)? Of course not.

PaperUI is an administration UI. It is for for doing administration things like adding devices, writing rules (if using the Experimental engine) and otherwise setting up and administering your home automation. What controls are present are there for testing the configuration and are not intended to be used by every day users.

Try to use the habmin interface to change zwave properties, this should resolve your ‘internal server 500’ error

Thanks for the heads up of habmin. This is really what I was looking for.
To answer @rlkoshak, not really concerned about user interface beyond me…at least for now.
I’m doing pretty basic things.

I’m guessing the rules in paperui and rules in habmin would clash, so should use one or the other?

The maintainer did not have time to further develop the graphical rules in HABmin. So I would not tinker with those, stick to the experimental rules engine … or use NodeRed :grinning:

Yep, as I dig into this…it isn’t going as the initial impression gave me.
I may just go command line as I’m not doing anything fancy.

That is where you can get most help in this forum :grinning:

So, I have setup via PaperUI the following bindings:

Not sure if I need to do anything with these.

My initial goal is to use the luminosity sensor on my ZW100 combined with time to trigger lights on or off.
I have this working in PaperUI via the experimental rules based only on time…Of course, I want to go beyond that.

Am I close on things and Items?
Of course, I’m only at the algorithm state for the rules

Thing zwave:device:c344b2e6:node6:switch_dimmer “Bulb 1”
Thing zwave:device:c344b2e6:node9:sensor_luminance “Multi Sensor” //polling set to 10 minutes in HABmin

Number Den_MultiSensor “Luminosity”
Dimmer Office_Bulb1 “Bulb 1”

Lights On AM
IF after 0600
AND Luminosity is <=15
THEN turn light on

Lights Off AM
If after 1000
AND Luminosity is >25
THEN turn lights off

Lights Off PM
IF time is 2355
THEN turn lights off

First you need to read the basic docs:

Understand the concept of things, items and channels.

Nope. You need to link the channels of your device thing to your items (see docs above)

It is not recommended to use textual defined things for zwave: it only works in the development version of the binding and it still has disadvantages: you cannot change config parameters through PaperUI which is the easy way to do it.
So just include your zwave devices, let them initialize (check if a xml file has been created in your /userdata/zwave folder), link the created channels to your textual items (or link them via PaperUI if you prefer that).

No idea about your rules, though. Most people are using the “normal” rules engine to create rules:

Take a look at the demo setup to get a feeling how all works together:

You can even configure a fully working demo setup to play around with openHAB: