Failed to update item XX could not be converted to the item unit °C

Dear community,

i get always this error message (see on screenshot) in openhab.log. how i can fix that?
i only had added this that the value in unit °C will be displayed.

thank you so much

many greets iceget

Please don’t post console output a screenshot but a plain text in code fences. It is nearly unreadable on mobile devices.

Don’t setup Options, but Pattern for State Description.
What’s the data source (the Channel, please paste the yaml code as text, marked as code)
``` ← three Backticks

// your Code goes here


Use the four spaces trick. Lines indented by four spaces get converted to code. So when you post how to use code fences it looks correct and there will be a copy icon to copy and paste.

code goes here

That’s a trick I learned a long time ago.

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