Fastest OpenWeatherMap refresh interval that stays below Free 1,000,000 calls/month

From the pricing page Pricing - OpenWeatherMap I see there is a limit of 1,000,000 calls/month. There is about 43,800 minutes per month so seems like 20 API calls per minute would stay below the threshold. Is there a way to tell how many API calls are being made in a given refresh?

I have 1 thing with 13 channels per interval and 9 intervals (~117 total) do each one of these count as an API call?

UID: [hidden]
label: Local Weather and Forecast
thingTypeUID: openweathermap:weather-and-forecast
forecastDays: 0
location: [hidden]
forecastHours: 24
bridgeUID: [hidden]

Probably put the binding in trace level logging and you’ll see it making the REST API calls.

Not necessarily. OWM’s API has a number of API points and each returns multiple pieces of data (formatted as JSON). Each Channel represents a single piece of that JSON so one API call can populate many many Channels.

But you’d need to understand the API and watch the logs to understand how it works. If I had to guess, each of the One Call API Things represents a separate REST API call.

But keep in mind the API docs state: “One Call API 3.0 is … updated every 10 minutes. thus, in order to receive the most accurate and up-to-date weather data, we recommend you request One Call API 3.0 every 10 minutes”. Polling the API faster than that is going to be pointless.