Fibaro FGMS-001 how to get sensor data

[quote=“federic0, post:20, topic:2416, full:true”]
However, I am not getting any updates…[/quote]

Did you set the association for device status to the controller (=member)?

Thanks for the tip, it was not set properly, however, my problem is that the sensor is out of range.

Hi all,

i use the same device and have in items defined:

zwave=“3:0:command=SENSOR_MULTILEVEL,sensor_type=3” not zwave=“3:command=SENSOR_MULTILEVEL,sensor_type=3” and it’s work as well

what is the right way to define the item for this device?

Best reguards



works for my FGMS-001, but the device can take along time to report a Lux value depending on how you’ve set its parameters 40 and 42 in HABmin, and by how much the light has changed. Setting these too aggressively will probably drain the battery more quickly.

Both are equivalent

Hmmm, I wouldn’t say that: users using endpoint 0 should read this part of the binding wiki.

…the number must be positive and must not be 0 …

@sihui, thanks for pointing that. However, in my case setting the Item as “11:0:command…” or “11:command…” does not affect behavior, both work, although after reading that it seems 11:0 is wrong. Also, my logs show this:

NODE 11: Got a value event from Z-Wave network, endpoint = 0, command class = SENSOR_BINARY, value = 255

Where the endpoint is identified as 0… I’m a bit confused.

As far as I understand the wiki (after reading it again) the endpoint is only used in multi_instance command classes.

The endpoint ID is only required/allowed when using the multi_instance command class.

You are using the sensor_binary command class in which no endpoint is needed at all.

Correct me if im wrong :sunglasses:

That seems right, thanks.

I just got a Fibaro FGMS-001 eu V3 but in habmin it shows as something else as there are no configuration item

im not sure what I have done wrong as the other z wave devices have always shown up correct.
the device class shows as a garage door .

any help would be greatly appreciated

thanks alan

Iv just updated to the 1.9 zwave jar but still the same
Fibaro System [ID:1001,Type:801]


The issue is that the device you have isn’t in the database. Please add an issue to the issue tracker stating the device type, and the information HABmin is displaying (ie the ID: Type information).

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Is this because it’s V3? I have a FGMS-001 working fine and recognized by habmin.

Yes, but Fibaro uses many different IDs and yours is different to the OP.

I have the same problem. Just bought 10 of these and they all show up in Habmin without any way to configure them. Please let me know if you do find a solution to this. @chris It would be great if there was any way to send config commands to the device while we wait for a patch to Habmin.

Sorry - this is not really possible (well, not very easy anyway!).

I’m not sure why this device doesn’t get detected though as this is already in the database, but I’m not sure how to debug this without such a device. Maybe someone with this device can look at it…

Not a problem. I just installed the latest snapshot of the zwave-binding, and everything works smooth now!

Ah - ok, that’s good to know. This device was only added recently, but I was told it still didn’t work…


I am also having problems with the sensors of version EU V3.2. Today I installed the latest snapshot of z-wave binding and my new devices still don’t work, They get recognized as FGMS-001 sensor but under informations the GENERIC_DEVICE_CLASS is set to GARAGE_DOOR, but on my older devices it is set to BINARY_SENSOR.

Do not worry about this - it’s incorrectly named but it doesn’t matter. Is that the only problem you see? If so, I’d say it’s working :slight_smile:.

I know I need to fix this name, but it’s used in a number of places so it needs some thought. It is however just a name, and it doesn’t mean the device is incorrectly detected.

My new sensors are recognized, but it seems that no messages are received from them. I enabled TRACE logging for z-wave binding and I do not see any messages from that nodes. Do you think it could be hardware compatibility issue? I’m using UZB1 USB stick. Can I check anything else?

Thank you.