Fibaro The Button alarm_general channel not working

I’ve added Fibaro The Button to my Z-Wave network, and the scene_number channel works fine, but I can’t get the alarm_general channel to work.
I have quite a few other Z-Wave devices working fine (bulbs, thermostats, wallplugs, repeaters), but this is my only button so maybe I’m missing something.


Bridge zwave:serial_zstick:controller “ZWave Controller” [ port=“/dev/ttyZWAVE”, controller_softreset=“false”, controller_master=“true”, heal_enable=“true” ]
…other devices…
fibaro_fgpb101_00_000 BedroomButton “Button in bedroom” [ node_id=34 ]


Number ButtonBedroomScene “Scene %s” (gPersistOnChange, gBedroom) {channel=“zwave:fibaro_fgpb101_00_000:controller:BedroomButton:scene_number”}
Switch ButtonBedroomAlarm “Knap aktiv [%d %%]” (gBedroom) {channel=“zwave:fibaro_fgpb101_00_000:controller:BedroomButton:alarm_general”}
Number ButtonBedroomBattery “Knap batteri” (gPersistOnChange, gBedroom, gBattery) {channel=“zwave:fibaro_fgpb101_00_000:controller:BedroomButton:battery-level”}

events.log when I single-click (have also tried multiple clicks and longpress):

2023-04-15 08:42:36.843 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item ‘ButtonBedroomScene’ changed from 1.4 to 1.0

If anyone have any suggestions as to what to try here to troubleshoot, I would appreciate it.

The device in the Z-Wave binding documentation.

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: AMD64/16GB RAM/storage 16GB free
    • OS: 6.1.19-gentoo
    • Java Runtime Environment: zulu11.60.19-ca-jdk11.0.17-linux_x64
    • openHAB version: 3.4.0

I do not have the device, but from a quick scan the device sends an “alarm frame” to devices in group 4. I would suggest adding a device to group 4 and put the zwave binding in debug and trigger an alarm to see what an “alarm frame” looks like at the debug level.
The alarm CC has undergone change and is generally replaced by the Notification CC. It looks like your device is Alarm CC (V1), so the alarm_general channel should do something. On later versions the alarm_general channel isn’t linked to anything.

Device might support notification command class V5:

If the device has been updated since its inclusion in the ZWave DB a new entry could be needed. Besides the debug, post the xml from the zwave folder. May need to separate the device based on the version.