Finding smartHomeDevice ID for bluetooth bulbs w/ OH 3.1 & Amazon Echo Control

I’ve got some bluetooth bulbs paired with my Echos/Alexa which I’d like to control from openHAB, but I can’t get them to show up and could use some help.

  1. I’ve setup an Account Bridge thing with all of my Echo devices listed as Things with the appropriate serial numbers from the Alexa App.
  2. I can see the devices in /amazonechocontrol/account1
  3. In the OH 3.1 UI Things tab I can see the Echos & Account things as Online
  4. None of the Echos at /amazonechocontrol/account1 show channels for my light bulbs, so I can’t get the ID necessary for creating smartHomeDevice things

Did I miss something in the documentation? Am I better off just using the “textCommand” channel and typing out the commands I want accessible from OH?

Thanks for the help!

Did you enable device discovery in the account thing?