FireMotD not displaying apt updates since upgrading from 2.5 to 3.2

I’ve recently upgraded from OH 2.5 to 3.2 and have noticed that FireMotD always displays that there is 1 apt update, regardless of how many there may be.

##        Ip = 192.168.2.xx
##   Release = Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)
##    Kernel = Linux 4.14.70-v7+
##  Platform = Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
##    Uptime = 6 day(s). 16:59:51
## CPU Usage = 1.78% avg over 4 cpu(s) (4 core(s) x 1 socket(s))
##  CPU Load = 1m: 1.03, 5m: 1.02, 15m: 1.00
##    Memory = Free: 0.08GB (9%), Used: 0.86GB (91%), Total: 0.95GB
##      Swap = Free: 0.02GB (29%), Used: 0.06GB (71%), Total: 0.09GB
##      Root = Free: 2.67GB (38%), Used: 4.26GB (62%), Total: 7.26GB
##   Updates = 1 apt updates available.
##  Sessions = 1 sessions
## Processes = 123 running processes of 32768 maximum processes

I’ve tried re-installing from the openhabian-config app, but that fails with ‘FAILED (update git repo)’.

2022-03-21_16:39:19_GMT [openHABian] Downloading FireMotD... FAILED (update git repo)

Looking at the Git repo for OpenHabian it looks like the way that the apt updates get captured has changed from using a Cron job, to a dedicated timer service (firemotd.service), and on my system this service does not exist. It looks to me like fixing the git repo error may allow an updated installation of FireMotD to complete. Could somebody point me in the right direction to fix the update problem please?

The answer to that question would be: read the docs, DEBUG guide, to generate useful log output that shows why your upgrade fails.
Or skip that and replace your ~/.bash_profile with the one from openhabian/bash_profile at main · openhab/openhabian · GitHub

FYI, I finally solved this. Either an OS upgrade, or OH upgrade didn’t update the cron job to reflect the change of location of the FireMotD binary file. This is what should be in /etc/cron.d/firemotd:

# FireMotD system updates check (randomly execute between 0:00:00 and 5:59:59)
0 0 * * * root perl -e 'sleep int(rand(21600))' && /usr/local/bin/FireMotD -S &>/dev/null

Note: This hasn’t fixed the inability to upgrade FireMotD from Openhabian-Config, but now shows the correct information when logging in.

I hope this helps anybody else with the same issue.