First time setup with HTTP binding (bloody beginner)

Hi all.

I’m completely new with openHAB and I’m a little bit overhelmed with the tutorials, manuals, threads and other information.

My first goal is to install openHAB and using simple http calls to trigger light switches.

Here is my current situation:

  • openHAB is up and running on my windows server. I’m able to connect via browser and was able to activate and “install” the HTTP plugin.
  • On the same windows server I am able to execute switching commands by navigating to specific urls from my browser. As far as good…

So from my understanding there are two possiblities to continue:

  1. configure via paperui
  2. configure via Eclipse SmartHome Designer

Under http://localhost:8484/paperui/index.html#/configuration/bindings I am able to find the activated HTTP Binding.
Under http://localhost:8484/paperui/index.html#/configuration/services there seems to be GUI stuff and nothing HTTP specific.

In SmartHome Designer I tried to open my config folder (D:\openhab\conf) and I now see the subfolder stucture in the tool. In there I do find Configurations>Services>http.cfg which should be there place where I have to configure the HTTP Binding?!

Ok, first I thought… cool perperui is full gui support so I went to Configuration>Things>Add Things. There I was able to see my “HTTP Binding” nice :slight_smile:. Click… And then… Nothing… Just an empty site with a breadcrumb “Inbos>HTTP Binding>ChooseThing”. So nothing to choose here. :frowning:

So seems that I have to bring in somehow my first two ON/OFF urls. Maybe somehow under “http://localhost:8484/paperui/index.html#/configuration/bindings” or somehow in SmartHome Designer.
I tried to add “parameters” for my binding inside paperui. Thought of something like
http=">[ON:POST:] >[OFF:POST:]"
So maybe Name=http and the rest is the value?! No chance.
Then I tried to edit the conf/Services/http.cfg . This brought me to the situation that my openHAB server wasn’t starting any more.

Where do I have to put these commands?

So just for a bloody beginner… Where do I have to continue? I have my urls and I see the the HTTP binding plugin but how do I have to configure this to get my first “Thing” and “Items”?!
Is it possible to configure this via paperui or do I have to use the Eclipse SmartHome Designer with its config file?
I was expecting that changes in the paperui http binding config will update the http.cfg and vice versa?

Please help.


Eclipse designer is your friend here. You need to define your “switch” as an item that sends the URL command. You can check the help for the http binding for help on the syntax and the manual for items for a general description. I agree it can be a bit overwhelming in the beginning.

Hi all,

I have the same problem. In the .items file I have made the following item:
Switch Lamp_tafeltje {http=">[ON:POST:]>[OFF:POST:"}

But I don’t know to make the thing and connect it to the binding.
Can anyone help me?

Maybe my post here can help you?