Floor plan - manual/guide?

Is there a guide how to create a floor plan?
I found this, but it seems to be outdated: Floorplan Pages | openHAB

/conf/html/[your directory]/
/etc/openhab/html/ ?

Also I can’t find the Design mode / Design view - any hints? I found Developer tools / Developer Sidebar so far.

I have mine here:
I have mine as a png file.
I created the plan using sweet home 3d you can use anything. I just did a screen capture from that program as my picture.

The you create a new page that is a floor plan type.

When you create the floor plan page you can enable the side bar and visibility option so you can see it under the main openhab menu.

Then you select run mode (bottom right)

Then add marker and a blue marker appears. Click that and configure what you need.
Screenshot from 2024-02-24 07-21-05
Screenshot from 2024-02-24 07-22-21
Select configure option to start with. The yaml option is good for later when you get used to it and can copy and paste.
Here is an example of a yaml

component: oh-plan-marker
  action: popup
  actionModal: widget:Remote_blind_control_notimer_counter
    blindposition: Blind_3_shed_position
    closedcounter: Blind_3_shed_position_counter
    groupItem: Blind_3_shed_control
    rollerTitle: Blind 3 shed
  coords: 260,524.0714391042667
  iconUseState: true
  item: Blind_3_shed_status
  name: Blind 3
  tooltip: '="Blind 3: " + (items.Blind_3_shed_status.state)'
  tooltipColor: =((items.Blind_3_shed_status.state)=="OPEN")?('red'):('green')
  useTooltipAsLabel: true
  default: []

You can drag the object you created around the screen to where you want it.


Thank you!!! Your post should be part of the documentation - I got the floor plan ready in 5 minutes. With the official docs if took me 3 approaches to realise I need the forum wisdom to the rescue!

Yes a picture is worth a 100 words…

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Do you @ubeaut and @PrzemoF mind providing a pull request to improve the docs to make it better? :pray:t2:

Or what is actually missing in the docs that I could add there if you feel uncomfortable writing it on your own?

Don’t know what a pull request is. Never done one.
If you just want to add the pictures and the steps I did that would be a start.
Is there a limit to the amount of pictures? It is easier to look at the pictures that trying to decipher the meanings of the actions needed to achieve the result.

I’d be happy to help but I’m not using github. Is there an alternative way? gitlab copy?

What’s missing in the docs:

  1. wrong location for the image directory
  2. no info how to make a floor plan
  3. a simple example:
    a. Create a floor plan, save as file floor.jpg,
    b. copy to directory xxx on the openhabian server
    c. Go to Settings/Pages/Click (+),
    d. Select Create Floor Plan,
    e. Change Label,
    f. Change path to /static/floor.jpg.
    g. Click Run Mode
    Done! :slight_smile:
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