FRITZ!DECT 400 Support?

You are welcome to help testing. :+1:

I will keep you posted if I am able to provide a beta version of the binding.

Good morning,

While not yet owning a DECT 440, I implemented a han fun switch (magenta smart home) with my fritzbox and avm binding.

I am facing a noticeable delay of roughly 1-3 seconds while the switch is not more then 3 meters away from my fritzbox.
Additionally a short press on the switch is not always working and I miss a possibility getting a feedback that the press if the switch was recognized.

Is the delay “by design” or is the something in the setup, I can try to optimize?

Thanks a lot!

The problem is the avmfritz binding has to be designed to use a polling strategy. 15s is the default duration between two requests. You can change the interval by adding a different value for the pollingInterval parameter. This is not the best way for supporting buttons triggering events you want to receive instantly but we are limited by the vendors design of the API. Thus it might happen that a button press got lost if you for example press it two times in between the execution of two jobs.

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Hi Christoph,

I’m looking forward for the avmfritz binding which supports FRITZ!DECT 440 and FRITZ!DECT 500. I’ve both installed within my network. Please let me know if I can help.


I am already working on integration of FD!440. Will let you know once I can provide a test version. Be patient.

Support for FD!500 or for SmartHome Telekom LED-Lampe E27 will last a little bit longer because I planned to refactor the way how the binding communicates with FRITZ!Box first. The current implementation has some downsides which lead to a bunch of boilerplate code for the required commands to control the bulbs.

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Sounds good. Thanks. Looking forward for a test version.

My PR for F!D 440 got accepted immediately. Will be available in OH3 snapshot. No time for preparing a test version in advance.

Hi, Will the update also be available for V2?

Hi cweitkamp,

I’m not yet using openHAB to control my smart home, but rather domoticz. But your avmfritz!bindings could make me switch to openHAB due to the support for the Fritz!Dect 440 device which you have added recently.

I really like the concept of this smart button from AVM with the e-ink display and the configurable buttons. Only problem that I see is that AVM currently does not allow to control any 3rd party products with it, only AVM products are supported.

So the question to you would be:
Would theavmfitz!bindings with Fritz!Dect440 support allow to control 3rd party (non-AVM) devices via openHAB ?

I really hope that AVM will also decide to officially add support for controlling non-AVM devices with their Fritz!Dect 440 smart button. I think it would be a big selling point for them …

Hello Christoph,
a friend of mine want to use the FD440 in combination with the 301 and I suggested that we should think about using it also for lights and shutter via OH and e.g. Shelly. First test showed the high delay time another used mentioned in the thread. I tried to reduce the polling time of the binding but the minimum is 5 seconds. Is there reason why it cannot be further increased to get better reaction times ? Or is a redesign to event driven instead of polling planned in the future ? Even when I consider this would be a major rebuild.

All in all I’m pretty impressed whats possible with OH(2.x) using it on my own but with my proprietary devices and first test with OH 3 are even more impressive. So thank you and the other developers making this possible!


Hi Christian,

Yes, in general it would be possible to reduce minimum polling interval to less than five. But imo it does not make sense because you would risk to exhaust the boxes resources.

From my pov the FRITZ!DECT 440 is not usable within openHAB. The avmfritz binding uses a polling strategy because there is no event driven based way to access all the SmartHome devices (at least I am not aware of one). The time gap for button events is much to high to get proper results. I personally would not recommend to build a solution based on it.

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Thanks - so we will find another solution!