AVM lately released firmware 8.0 for several box types. Has anyone already tried to use the binding with this firmware? Any hints or trouble?
I don’t want to upgrade my box and then run into trouble…
No issues on my side
For me too. All works fine.
Same here, 7590AX² but no problems before and after upgrading to v8.0…
I control my heating system (DECT 301/302) via OpenHAB and trigger templates to change heating schemes. Do you use something similar?
I have three Fritz! boxes in a mesh network. Two are running firmware 8.0. The primary Fritz!Box for AVM’s Smarthome products for openHAB is still running version 7.56. I have already upgraded the 7590 to version 8 several times with the result that no AVM Think was accessible via openHAB. In the end, the only option so far has been to downgrade to 7.56 so that everything works smoothly again. Even individual DECT 200 sockets to which I have assigned a different Fritz!Box (firmware 8.0) as a bride cannot be switched. If I reassign the socket to the box with the 7.56 firmware, I can switch it again. I have not yet found a solution…
Hi, same for me. No Smarthome-Thing (3x FRITZ!DECT 302, 1x 440) is working any more (Status: Gone) Fritzbox itself seems to work, at least the status is online. If I don’t find a solution or workaround I have to downgrade again.
edit: After Upgrade to 4.3.1 with reboot of Server the things are working again
Hi,does this mean that firmware 8.0 is now running and the Smarthome products communicate with openhab? If that’s the case, then I’ll upgrade my last box too.
At least it works in my smarthome network with OpenHAB 4.3.1 and FritzOS 8.01
Hm, FritzOS 8.01? Where can I find this version? I still have 8.00.
It has not been rolled out for all Fritz!Box types.
Thanks for the Information.
After upgrading to FritzOS 8.02 and restarting openhab, communication is now running without any problems.
Same here. I’m still on OH 2.5 and after update to fritzOS 8.02 no issues. Both bindings fritzboxtr064 and avmfritz are working.
Just a hint. Sometims, if you reboot the fritzbox, it is needed to reboot OH too. Because avmfritz binding cannot connect again. Cannot be solved by rebooting the binding, OH needs to be rebooted
Just updated to FritzOS 8.02 (from 8.0) and had to reboot OH (4.3.2) to get the communication back. Don’t think I had to do that for any update before.