Fronius binding: Currently generated power never 0?!

Hi all,

some days ago I added my Fronius photovoltaic inverter to OpenHAB and created several items which I added to my sitemap. The data compared to the Fronius app looks good, except the currently created power from my photovoltaic. I thought it’s the “AC Powery” channel, but even at night, whenno power is generated, this value shows a W value.

So I think, this is not the value I want to see. Could you please help me, which one is the currently generated power channel? DC current would look good, except that the measurement is Ampere and not Watt.

But what I see in the Fronius app is Watt or KWh.

Could you please help me? The official docu ( is, what a pitty, for me not detailed enough at that point.

Thanks and kind regards,


This is what I get as channels for my fronius Symo (at night):

AC power              -NaN W    trending_up  // power generated right now
Day Energy            3.87 kWh  trending_up  // sum of energy production (today)
Total Energy        29.431 MWh  trending_up  // sum of energy production (total)
Year Energy          0.044 MWh  trending_up  // sum of energy production (this year)
AC frequency          -NaN Hz   trending_up  // frequency of energy to grid power
AC current            -NaN A    trending_up  // current at AC (i.e. 230V) 
DC current            0.00 A    trending_up  // current at DC (i.e. solar panels)
AC voltage            -NaN V    trending_up  // voltage at AC (i.e. 230V) 
DC voltage             4.4 V    trending_up  // voltage at DC (i.e. solar panels)
Grid Power         1396.97 W    trending_up  // power consumption from grid
Load Power        -1396.97 W    trending_up  // power delivery to grid
Battery Power         0.00 W                 // when installed, power consumption from battery

As you can see, there are some NaN values, this is because the Symo Inverter is in standby (it’s dark)

Hello Udo,
thanks for your reply.

I have the following:
AC power 21.80 W
Day Energy 7.71 kWh
Year Energy 0.057 MWh
Total Energy 9.657 MWh
Grid Power 396.61 W
Load Power -396.61 W

All look like the data from the Fronius App, except the AC power.
The data above is the latest I had writing this response. As you see: Grid Power and Load Power are equal, so there cannot be any currently generated power if I need all of the power from the grid.

My default.items entry looks like:

Number House_Photovoltaik_Current_Produced_Power “Erzeugt [%.2f W]” { channel=“fronius:powerinverter:704aaf29:inverterdatachannelpac” }

This is how my default.sitemaps entry looks like:

    Text label="Photovoltaik" icon="solarplant"
        Text item=House_Photovoltaik_Current_Produced_Power
        Text item=House_Photovoltaik_Grid_Power
        Text item=House_Photovoltaik_Current_Needed_Power
        Text item=House_Photovoltaik_Today_Power
        Text item=House_Photovoltaik_Current_Year_Power
        Text item=House_Photovoltaik_Total_Power

Could this perhaps be caused by caching or something like that, so that it doesn’t “forget” the currently shown entry? Or is the number items type perhaps not nullable and therefore it cannot be displayed and always shows the last not null value?

I would appreciate if you could post your AC power items and sitemaps entry. Perhaps I use a wrong way of including the item?!

Thanks and kind regards,



Bridge fronius:bridge:bridge "Fronius Bridge" @ "PV" [ hostname="pv.udo.lokal" ] {
    Thing powerinverter fronius "Symo 10" @ "PV" [  ]

As I did not define any channel, all channels are default channels.


Number   Symo10_Inverterdatachannelpac         "AC power"        {channel="fronius:powerinverter:bridge:fronius:inverterdatachannelpac"}
Number   Symo10_Inverterdatachanneldayenergy   "Day Energy"      {channel="fronius:powerinverter:bridge:fronius:inverterdatachanneldayenergy"}
Number   Symo10_Inverterdatachanneltotal       "Total Energy"    {channel="fronius:powerinverter:bridge:fronius:inverterdatachanneltotal"}
Number   Symo10_Inverterdatachannelyear        "Year Energy"     {channel="fronius:powerinverter:bridge:fronius:inverterdatachannelyear"}
Number   Symo10_Inverterdatachannelfac         "AC frequency"    {channel="fronius:powerinverter:bridge:fronius:inverterdatachannelfac"}
Number   Symo10_Inverterdatachanneliac         "AC current"      {channel="fronius:powerinverter:bridge:fronius:inverterdatachanneliac"}
Number   Symo10_Inverterdatachannelidc         "DC current"      {channel="fronius:powerinverter:bridge:fronius:inverterdatachannelidc"}
Number   Symo10_Inverterdatachanneluac         "AC voltage"      {channel="fronius:powerinverter:bridge:fronius:inverterdatachanneluac"}
Number   Symo10_Inverterdatachanneludc         "DC voltage"      {channel="fronius:powerinverter:bridge:fronius:inverterdatachanneludc"}
Number   Symo10_Powerflowchannelpgrid          "Grid Power"      {channel="fronius:powerinverter:bridge:fronius:powerflowchannelpgrid"}
Number   Symo10_Powerflowchannelpload          "Load Power"      {channel="fronius:powerinverter:bridge:fronius:powerflowchannelpload"}
Number   Symo10_Powerflowchannelpakku          "Battery Power"   {channel="fronius:powerinverter:bridge:fronius:powerflowchannelpakku"}

I’m on openHAB2.5.0 #1499, I,m not aware of changes, but just to be sure…

Maybe the Binding is very smart and does only show channels supported by the device, on the other hand, I guess you can see the data in the fronius web interface.

Good Morning Udo,

thanks a lot! I added Fronius via the “Things” mask in Paper Ui. So I’m not aware if this differs from your manual .things file config. Nevertheless I’ll try your version, too.

The hint to check the Fronius web interface what they exactly show. Perhaps the app is not detailed enough.

Thanks and kind regards,


In fact, I did it the same way, and the result is the same. It’s easier to post a text file :wink:

Hello Udo,

you are right. :wink:

Strange thing: I was not yet able to try your config but wanted to do so over the week-end. Today I re-configured my raspberry pi (which runs openHAB) to use a static ip and a hostname within my network.

After adapting the openHAB app to that new ip, the photovoltaic information for the currently generated power shows “-”. I’ll keep an eye on it if this changes after power was generated tomorrow and then stucks on this last value.

Kind regards and enjoy your week-end,


I also have this issue; during the whole night when the AC power is 0, the last read value stays in openhab.
Does this have to do with the fact that in the resulting json from the API call, when there is no production, there is no entry for the produced power?

I also have the issue that actually something like the last positive value stays during the night (like 35 watts) and never drops to zero.

Additonally it would be perfect is the other data from the solar.api from the smart meter could be added as channels.

@trokohl @gerritbeine


   "Body" : {
      "Data" : {
         "Current_AC_Phase_1" : 0.83099999999999996,
         "Current_AC_Phase_2" : 0.76500000000000001,
         "Current_AC_Phase_3" : 1.4059999999999999,
         "Details" : {
            "Manufacturer" : "Fronius",
            "Model" : "Smart Meter 63A",
            "Serial" : "xxxxx"
         "Enable" : 1,
         "EnergyReactive_VArAC_Sum_Consumed" : 684550,
         "EnergyReactive_VArAC_Sum_Produced" : 74290820,
         "EnergyReal_WAC_Minus_Absolute" : 7626094,
         "EnergyReal_WAC_Plus_Absolute" : 17280611,
         "EnergyReal_WAC_Sum_Consumed" : 17280611,
         "EnergyReal_WAC_Sum_Produced" : 7626094,
         "Frequency_Phase_Average" : 50,
         "Meter_Location_Current" : 0,
         "PowerApparent_S_Phase_1" : 194.86949999999999,
         "PowerApparent_S_Phase_2" : 179.23950000000002,
         "PowerApparent_S_Phase_3" : 330.97239999999999,
         "PowerApparent_S_Sum" : 613,
         "PowerFactor_Phase_1" : 0.48999999999999999,
         "PowerFactor_Phase_2" : 0.28999999999999998,
         "PowerFactor_Phase_3" : 0.69999999999999996,
         "PowerFactor_Sum" : 0.55000000000000004,
         "PowerReactive_Q_Phase_1" : -143.59,
         "PowerReactive_Q_Phase_2" : -164.31,
         "PowerReactive_Q_Phase_3" : -204.63,
         "PowerReactive_Q_Sum" : -512.52999999999997,
         "PowerReal_P_Phase_1" : 82.400000000000006,
         "PowerReal_P_Phase_2" : 50.420000000000002,
         "PowerReal_P_Phase_3" : 204.84999999999999,
         "PowerReal_P_Sum" : 337.67000000000002,
         "TimeStamp" : 1580943274,
         "Visible" : 1,
         "Voltage_AC_PhaseToPhase_12" : 406,
         "Voltage_AC_PhaseToPhase_23" : 406.80000000000001,
         "Voltage_AC_PhaseToPhase_31" : 406.89999999999998,
         "Voltage_AC_Phase_1" : 234.5,
         "Voltage_AC_Phase_2" : 234.30000000000001,
         "Voltage_AC_Phase_3" : 235.40000000000001
   "Head" : {
      "RequestArguments" : {
         "DeviceClass" : "Meter",
         "DeviceId" : "0",
         "Scope" : "Device"
      "Status" : {
         "Code" : 0,
         "Reason" : "",
         "UserMessage" : ""
      "Timestamp" : "2020-02-05T23:54:35+01:00"

//can be deleted

I’ve just submitted a PR (and it got merged to OH3) that fixed this issue. I’ve also submitted it to 2.5.x hopefully to be merged soon too.

1 Like

@Udo_Hartmann : Just a question from my side.
I want to get this value in Openhab:

I have 2 inverters (Symo 10 and Gen24), a Smartmeter and a Battery connected.
I created a “SUM” Group fpr the inverterchannels to get values of both inverters in one “group item”
This works well. But I’m not able to calculate 1,48KW shown in the screenshot above. The screenshot is taken at the same time the groups show this values:

"Verbrauch :" Verbrauch : 1789.3041
"Gridpower : " g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gridpower.state : 103.8
"Production Power : " g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Productionpower.state : 1935.40
"Battery Power : "  i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_Battery_Power.state : -249.89
"Load Power : " + g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Loadpower.state : -492.03

The Item “Verbrauch” is calculated in a rule:

Verbrauch = (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Productionpower.state as DecimalType).floatValue + (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gridpower.state as DecimalType).floatValue + (i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_Battery_Power.state as DecimalType).floatValue

Of course I read the binding documentation. There is stated, that the Load Channel/Item shows the current Load. But it is 492W in my example, which doesn’t fit to screenshot at all.
During night, when Battery is empty and no solar production takes place, the values are correct.

So my question is:
Which values do I have to calculate to get the red marked value in my screenshot above?

Thank you very much in advance

Dear Helmar,

you sent your question to the wrong Udo.
You need to send it to Udo_Hartmann.

Best regards,

1 Like


First, show us your things + items definition for fronius?

Here the Items:

// Gruppen Items
Group:Number:SUM g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Tagesproduktion
Group:Number:SUM g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Jahresproduktion
Group:Number:SUM g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gesamtproduktion
Group:Number:SUM g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gridpower
Group:Number:SUM g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Loadpower
Group:Number:SUM g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Batterypower
Group:Number:SUM g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Inverter1power
Group:Number:SUM g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Productionpower
Group:Number:SUM g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_ACpower
Group:Number:SUM g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_DCpower
Group:Number:SUM g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_DCpower2
Group:Number:SUM g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_DCpower3
Group:Number:SUM g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_IAC
Group:Number:SUM g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_powerflowinverterpower
Group g_Heizung_Heizstaebe_Watt
Group:Number:SUM g_Heizung_Heizstaebe_kwh "Heizstäbe Gesamt Kwh"
Number CHART_PERIOD_Heizstaebe "Leistungsdiagramm Phasen Shelly3EM"

//Item für Verbrauch Haus, wird in awtrix.rules verwendet 
Number i_Fronius_Verbrauch_Haus "Stromverbrauch Haus in Watt"

// Batterie Health über HTTP Binding 
Number i_Fronius_Battery_Health { channel="http:url:5e5a21d4c8:Bat_Health" }
Number i_Fronius_Battery_Temperatur "PV Batterie Temperatur in °C" (g_Fronius_Battery_Temperatur) { channel="http:url:5e5a21d4c8:Bat_Temperatur" }
Number i_Fronius_Battery_Temperatur_Max "PV Batterie Temperatur Maximum in °C" (g_Fronius_Battery_Temperatur) { channel="http:url:5e5a21d4c8:Bat_Temperatur_Max" }
Number i_Fronius_Battery_Temperatur_Min "PV Batterie Temperatur Minimum in °C" (g_Fronius_Battery_Temperatur) { channel="http:url:5e5a21d4c8:Bat_Temperatur_Min" }
Group g_Fronius_Battery_Temperatur 
DateTime i_Fronius_Battery_Timestamp "Batteriewerte von: "
// Items für Diagramme
Number CHART_PERIOD_Fronius_Battery_Health "Batterie Gesundheit Diagramm"
Number CHART_PERIOD_Fronius_Temperatur "Batterie Temperatur Diagramm"

// Item für alte Tagesproduktion
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gesamtproduktion_old

// Fronius Smartmeter
Number i_Fronius_smartmeter_Enable { channel="fronius:meter:735f95f6ab:7101012d1b:enable" }
Number i_Fronius_smartmeter_Location { channel="fronius:meter:735f95f6ab:7101012d1b:location" }
Number i_Fronius_smartmeter_CurrentPhase1 { channel="fronius:meter:735f95f6ab:7101012d1b:currentacphase1" }
Number i_Fronius_smartmeter_CurrentPhase2 { channel="fronius:meter:735f95f6ab:7101012d1b:currentacphase2" }
Number i_Fronius_smartmeter_CurrentPhase3 { channel="fronius:meter:735f95f6ab:7101012d1b:currentacphase3" }
Number i_Fronius_smartmeter_VoltagePhase1 { channel="fronius:meter:735f95f6ab:7101012d1b:voltageacphase1" }
Number i_Fronius_smartmeter_VoltagePhase2 { channel="fronius:meter:735f95f6ab:7101012d1b:voltageacphase2" }
Number i_Fronius_smartmeter_VoltagePhase3 { channel="fronius:meter:735f95f6ab:7101012d1b:voltageacphase3" }
Number i_Fronius_smartmeter_PowerPhase1 { channel="fronius:meter:735f95f6ab:7101012d1b:powerrealphase1" }
Number i_Fronius_smartmeter_PowerPhase2 { channel="fronius:meter:735f95f6ab:7101012d1b:powerrealphase2" }
Number i_Fronius_smartmeter_PowerPhase3 { channel="fronius:meter:735f95f6ab:7101012d1b:powerrealphase3" }
Number i_Fronius_smartmeter_PowerSum    { channel="fronius:meter:735f95f6ab:7101012d1b:powerrealsum" }
Number i_Fronius_smartmeter_PowerFactorPhase1 { channel="fronius:meter:735f95f6ab:7101012d1b:powerfactorphase1" }
Number i_Fronius_smartmeter_PowerFactorPhase2 { channel="fronius:meter:735f95f6ab:7101012d1b:powerfactorphase2" }
Number i_Fronius_smartmeter_PowerFactorPhase3 { channel="fronius:meter:735f95f6ab:7101012d1b:powerfactorphase3" }
Number i_Fronius_smartmeter_EnergyConsumed { channel="fronius:meter:735f95f6ab:7101012d1b:energyrealsumconsumed" }
Number i_Fronius_smartmeter_EnergyProduced { channel="fronius:meter:735f95f6ab:7101012d1b:energyrealsumproduced" }

// Gen24 8.0 KW Wechselrichter
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_AC_Power (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_ACpower) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:inverterdatachannelpac" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_Day_Energy (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Tagesproduktion) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:inverterdatachanneldayenergy" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_Day_Energy_Calc (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Tagesproduktion) 
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_Total_Energy (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gesamtproduktion) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:inverterdatachanneltotal" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_Total_Energy_old
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_Year_Energy (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Jahresproduktion) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:inverterdatachannelyear" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_FAC { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:inverterdatachannelfac" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_IAC (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_IAC) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:inverterdatachanneliac" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_IDC { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:inverterdatachannelidc" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_IDC2 { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:inverterdatachannelidc2" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_IDC3 { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:inverterdatachannelidc3" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_UAC { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:inverterdatachanneluac" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_UDC { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:inverterdatachanneludc" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_UDC2 { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:inverterdatachanneludc2" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_UDC3 { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:inverterdatachanneludc3" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_ErrorCode { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:inverterdatadevicestatuserrorcode" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_StatusCode { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:inverterdatadevicestatusstatuscode" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_Grid_Power (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gridpower) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:powerflowchannelpgrid" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_Load_Power (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Loadpower) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:powerflowchannelpload" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_Battery_Power (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Batterypower) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:powerflowchannelpakku" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_Production_Power (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Productionpower) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:powerflowchannelppv" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_Power_Autonomy { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:powerflowautonomy" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_Power_SelfConsumption { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:powerflowselfconsumption" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_Inverter1_Power (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Inverter1power) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:powerflowinverter1power" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_Inverter1_SOC { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:powerflowinverter1soc" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_DC_Power (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_DCpower) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:inverterdatachannelpdc" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_DC_Power2 (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_DCpower2) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:inverterdatachannelpdc2" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_DC_Power3 (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_DCpower3) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:inverterdatachannelpdc3" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gen24_powerflowinverterpower (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_powerflowinverterpower) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1:powerflowinverterpower" }

// Symo10 10KW Wechselrichter
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_AC_Power (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_ACpower) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:inverterdatachannelpac" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_Day_Energy (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Tagesproduktion) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:inverterdatachanneldayenergy" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_Total_Energy (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gesamtproduktion) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:inverterdatachanneltotal" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_Year_Energy (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Jahresproduktion) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:inverterdatachannelyear" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_FAC { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:inverterdatachannelfac" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_IAC (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_IAC) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:inverterdatachanneliac" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_IDC { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:inverterdatachannelidc" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_IDC2 { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:inverterdatachannelidc2" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_IDC3 { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:inverterdatachannelidc3" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_UAC { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:inverterdatachanneluac" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_UDC { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:inverterdatachanneludc" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_UDC2 { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:inverterdatachanneludc2" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_UDC3 { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:inverterdatachanneludc3" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_ErrorCode { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:inverterdatadevicestatuserrorcode" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_StatusCode { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:inverterdatadevicestatusstatuscode" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_Grid_Power (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Gridpower) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:powerflowchannelpgrid" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_Load_Power (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Loadpower) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:powerflowchannelpload" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_Battery_Power (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Batterypower) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:powerflowchannelpakku" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_Production_Power (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Productionpower) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:powerflowchannelppv" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_Power_Autonomy { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:powerflowautonomy" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_Power_SelfConsumption { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:powerflowselfconsumption" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_Inverter1_Power (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Inverter1power) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:powerflowinverter1power" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_Inverter1_SOC { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:powerflowinverter1soc" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_DC_Power (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_DCpower) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:inverterdatachannelpdc" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_DC_Power2 (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_DCpower2) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:inverterdatachannelpdc2" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_DC_Power3 (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_DCpower3) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:inverterdatachannelpdc3" }
Number i_Fronius_Wechselrichter_Symo10_powerflowinverterpower (g_Fronius_Wechselrichter_powerflowinverterpower) { channel="fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047:powerflowinverterpower" }

// Fronius Ohmpilot1 Steuerung Heizstab Pufferspeicher PV/Kachelofen 7,5KW
Number i_Fronius_Ohmpilot1_EnergyConsumed "Heizstab PV Anlage/Kachelofen Total: [%.3f kWh]" { channel="fronius:ohmpilot:3e655b3fbe:d7065a620c:energyrealsumconsumed" }
Number i_Fronius_Ohmpilot1_EnergyConsumed_vorheriger_Wert "Heizstab PV Anlage/Kachelofen Total Vorheriger Wert: [%.3f Wh]" 
Number i_Fronius_Ohmpilot1_Tagesverbrauch "Heizstab PV Anlage/Kachelofen Tagesverbrauch: [%.3f kWh]" (g_Heizung_Heizstaebe_kwh)
Number i_Fronius_Ohmpilot1_PowerSum "Heizstab PV Anlage/Kachelofen Gesamtleistung [%.2f W]" (g_Heizung_Heizstaebe_Watt) { channel="fronius:ohmpilot:3e655b3fbe:d7065a620c:powerrealsum" }
Number i_Fronius_Ohmpilot1_Temperature "Pufferspeicher PV Anlage/Kachelofen [%.2f °C]" (g_HeizungTemperaturen,g_vcontrol_Wassertemperaturen,g_vcontrol_Kesseltemperaturen,g_vcontrol_WassertemperaturenIST) { channel="fronius:ohmpilot:3e655b3fbe:d7065a620c:temperaturechannel1" }
Number i_Fronius_Ohmpilot1_State { channel="fronius:ohmpilot:3e655b3fbe:d7065a620c:statecode" }
Number i_Fronius_Ohmpilot1_Errorcode { channel="fronius:ohmpilot:3e655b3fbe:d7065a620c:errorcode" }

and the things:

UID: fronius:powerinverter:735f95f6ab:c6f29018b1
label: "Fronius Symo GEN24 8.0 "
thingTypeUID: fronius:powerinverter
  deviceId: 1
bridgeUID: fronius:bridge:735f95f6ab
location: Elektroraum
  - id: inverterdatachannelpac
    channelTypeUID: fronius:pac
    label: AC Power
    description: AC power
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachannelpdc
    channelTypeUID: fronius:pdc
    label: DC Power
    description: DC power
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachannelpdc2
    channelTypeUID: fronius:pdc2
    label: DC Power 2
    description: DC power 2
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachannelpdc3
    channelTypeUID: fronius:pdc3
    label: DC Power 3
    description: DC power 3
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachanneldayenergy
    channelTypeUID: fronius:day_energy
    label: Day Energy
    description: Energy generated on current day
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachanneltotal
    channelTypeUID: fronius:total_energy
    label: Total Energy
    description: Energy generated overall
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachannelyear
    channelTypeUID: fronius:year_energy
    label: Year Energy
    description: Energy generated in current year
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachannelfac
    channelTypeUID: fronius:fac
    label: AC Frequency
    description: AC frequency
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachanneliac
    channelTypeUID: fronius:iac
    label: AC Current
    description: AC current
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachannelidc
    channelTypeUID: fronius:idc
    label: DC Current
    description: DC current
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachannelidc2
    channelTypeUID: fronius:idc2
    label: DC Current 2
    description: DC current 2
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachannelidc3
    channelTypeUID: fronius:idc3
    label: DC Current 3
    description: DC current 3
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachanneluac
    channelTypeUID: fronius:uac
    label: AC Voltage
    description: AC voltage
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachanneludc
    channelTypeUID: fronius:udc
    label: DC Voltage
    description: DC voltage
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachanneludc2
    channelTypeUID: fronius:udc2
    label: DC Voltage 2
    description: DC voltage 2
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachanneludc3
    channelTypeUID: fronius:udc3
    label: DC Voltage 3
    description: DC voltage 3
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatadevicestatuserrorcode
    channelTypeUID: fronius:devicestatus_errorcode
    label: Error Code
    description: Current device error code
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatadevicestatusstatuscode
    channelTypeUID: fronius:devicestatus_statuscode
    label: Status Code
    description: Current device status code
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowchannelpgrid
    channelTypeUID: fronius:pGrid
    label: Grid Power
    description: Grid Power ( + from grid, - to grid )
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowchannelpload
    channelTypeUID: fronius:pLoad
    label: Load Power
    description: Load Power ( + generator, - consumer )
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowchannelpakku
    channelTypeUID: fronius:pAkku
    label: Charge / Discharge of Battery
    description: Battery Power ( + discharge, - charge )
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowchannelppv
    channelTypeUID: fronius:pPv
    label: Current Solar Yield
    description: Current Solar Plant Power
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowautonomy
    channelTypeUID: fronius:powerflow_rel_autonomy
    label: Autonomy
    description: The current relative autonomy in %, NULL if no smart meter is connected
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowselfconsumption
    channelTypeUID: fronius:powerflow_rel_selfconsumption
    label: Self Consumption
    description: The current relative self consumption in %, NULL if no smart meter
      is connected
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowinverterpower
    channelTypeUID: fronius:inverterPower
    label: Inverter Power
    description: Current power of the inverter, `NULL` if not running (+
      produce/export, - consume/import)
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowinvertersoc
    channelTypeUID: fronius:inverterSoc
    label: Battery State of Charge
    description: Current state of charge of the battery connected to the inverter in percent
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowinverter1power
    channelTypeUID: fronius:inverter1Power
    label: Inverter 1 Power (DEPRECATED)
    description: Inverter 1 Power - DEPRECATED. Please use inverterPower channel instead.
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowinverter1soc
    channelTypeUID: fronius:inverter1Soc
    label: Inverter 1 State of Charge (DEPRECATED)
    description: Inverter 1 State of Charge - DEPRECATED. Please use inverterSoc
      channel instead
    configuration: {}
UID: fronius:powerinverter:b9ceec5b9b:5d09307047
label: Fronius Symo 10.0
thingTypeUID: fronius:powerinverter
  deviceId: 1
bridgeUID: fronius:bridge:b9ceec5b9b
location: Elektroraum
  - id: inverterdatachannelpac
    channelTypeUID: fronius:pac
    label: AC Power
    description: AC power
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachannelpdc
    channelTypeUID: fronius:pdc
    label: DC Power
    description: DC power
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachannelpdc2
    channelTypeUID: fronius:pdc2
    label: DC Power 2
    description: DC power 2
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachannelpdc3
    channelTypeUID: fronius:pdc3
    label: DC Power 3
    description: DC power 3
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachanneldayenergy
    channelTypeUID: fronius:day_energy
    label: Day Energy
    description: Energy generated on current day
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachanneltotal
    channelTypeUID: fronius:total_energy
    label: Total Energy
    description: Energy generated overall
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachannelyear
    channelTypeUID: fronius:year_energy
    label: Year Energy
    description: Energy generated in current year
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachannelfac
    channelTypeUID: fronius:fac
    label: AC Frequency
    description: AC frequency
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachanneliac
    channelTypeUID: fronius:iac
    label: AC Current
    description: AC current
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachannelidc
    channelTypeUID: fronius:idc
    label: DC Current
    description: DC current
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachannelidc2
    channelTypeUID: fronius:idc2
    label: DC Current 2
    description: DC current 2
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachannelidc3
    channelTypeUID: fronius:idc3
    label: DC Current 3
    description: DC current 3
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachanneluac
    channelTypeUID: fronius:uac
    label: AC Voltage
    description: AC voltage
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachanneludc
    channelTypeUID: fronius:udc
    label: DC Voltage
    description: DC voltage
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachanneludc2
    channelTypeUID: fronius:udc2
    label: DC Voltage 2
    description: DC voltage 2
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatachanneludc3
    channelTypeUID: fronius:udc3
    label: DC Voltage 3
    description: DC voltage 3
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatadevicestatuserrorcode
    channelTypeUID: fronius:devicestatus_errorcode
    label: Error Code
    description: Current device error code
    configuration: {}
  - id: inverterdatadevicestatusstatuscode
    channelTypeUID: fronius:devicestatus_statuscode
    label: Status Code
    description: Current device status code
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowchannelpgrid
    channelTypeUID: fronius:pGrid
    label: Grid Power
    description: Grid Power ( + from grid, - to grid )
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowchannelpload
    channelTypeUID: fronius:pLoad
    label: Load Power
    description: Load Power ( + generator, - consumer )
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowchannelpakku
    channelTypeUID: fronius:pAkku
    label: Charge / Discharge of Battery
    description: Battery Power ( + discharge, - charge )
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowchannelppv
    channelTypeUID: fronius:pPv
    label: Current Solar Yield
    description: Current Solar Plant Power
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowautonomy
    channelTypeUID: fronius:powerflow_rel_autonomy
    label: Autonomy
    description: The current relative autonomy in %, NULL if no smart meter is connected
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowselfconsumption
    channelTypeUID: fronius:powerflow_rel_selfconsumption
    label: Self Consumption
    description: The current relative self consumption in %, NULL if no smart meter
      is connected
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowinverterpower
    channelTypeUID: fronius:inverterPower
    label: Inverter Power
    description: Current power of the inverter, `NULL` if not running (+
      produce/export, - consume/import)
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowinvertersoc
    channelTypeUID: fronius:inverterSoc
    label: Battery State of Charge
    description: Current state of charge of the battery connected to the inverter in percent
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowinverter1power
    channelTypeUID: fronius:inverter1Power
    label: Inverter 1 Power (DEPRECATED)
    description: Inverter 1 Power - DEPRECATED. Please use inverterPower channel instead.
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerflowinverter1soc
    channelTypeUID: fronius:inverter1Soc
    label: Inverter 1 State of Charge (DEPRECATED)
    description: Inverter 1 State of Charge - DEPRECATED. Please use inverterSoc
      channel instead
    configuration: {}

UID: fronius:meter:735f95f6ab:7101012d1b
label: Fronius Smart Meter
thingTypeUID: fronius:meter
  deviceId: 0
bridgeUID: fronius:bridge:735f95f6ab
location: Elektroraum
  - id: enable
    channelTypeUID: fronius:meter_enable
    label: Enabled
    description: Enabled
    configuration: {}
  - id: location
    channelTypeUID: fronius:meter_location
    label: Location
    description: Meter Location Code
    configuration: {}
  - id: currentacphase1
    channelTypeUID: fronius:meter_ac_current
    label: AC Current Phase 1
    description: null
    configuration: {}
  - id: currentacphase2
    channelTypeUID: fronius:meter_ac_current
    label: AC Current Phase 2
    description: null
    configuration: {}
  - id: currentacphase3
    channelTypeUID: fronius:meter_ac_current
    label: AC Current Phase 3
    description: null
    configuration: {}
  - id: voltageacphase1
    channelTypeUID: fronius:meter_ac_voltage
    label: AC Voltage Phase 1
    description: null
    configuration: {}
  - id: voltageacphase2
    channelTypeUID: fronius:meter_ac_voltage
    label: AC Voltage Phase 2
    description: null
    configuration: {}
  - id: voltageacphase3
    channelTypeUID: fronius:meter_ac_voltage
    label: AC Voltage Phase 3
    description: null
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerrealphase1
    channelTypeUID: fronius:meter_powerreal
    label: Real Power Phase 1
    description: null
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerrealphase2
    channelTypeUID: fronius:meter_powerreal
    label: Real Power Phase 2
    description: null
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerrealphase3
    channelTypeUID: fronius:meter_powerreal
    label: Real Power Phase 3
    description: null
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerrealsum
    channelTypeUID: fronius:meter_powerreal
    label: Real Power Sum
    description: null
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerfactorphase1
    channelTypeUID: fronius:meter_powerfactor
    label: Power Factor Phase 1
    description: null
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerfactorphase2
    channelTypeUID: fronius:meter_powerfactor
    label: Power Factor Phase 2
    description: null
    configuration: {}
  - id: powerfactorphase3
    channelTypeUID: fronius:meter_powerfactor
    label: Power Factor Phase 3
    description: null
    configuration: {}
  - id: energyrealsumconsumed
    channelTypeUID: fronius:meter_energy
    label: Real Energy Consumed
    description: null
    configuration: {}
  - id: energyrealsumproduced
    channelTypeUID: fronius:meter_energy
    label: Real Energy Produced
    description: null
    configuration: {}

UID: fronius:ohmpilot:3e655b3fbe:d7065a620c
label: Fronius Ohmpilot1
thingTypeUID: fronius:ohmpilot
  deviceId: 0
bridgeUID: fronius:bridge:735f95f6ab
location: Elektroraum
  - id: powerrealsum
    channelTypeUID: fronius:ohmpilot_powerreal
    label: Real Power Sum
    description: Actual power consumption [W]
    configuration: {}
  - id: energyrealsumconsumed
    channelTypeUID: fronius:ohmpilot_energy
    label: Real Energy Consumed
    description: Total consumed energy [Wh]
    configuration: {}
  - id: temperaturechannel1
    channelTypeUID: fronius:ohmpilot_temperature
    label: Temperature
    description: Temperature of the PT1000
    configuration: {}
  - id: statecode
    channelTypeUID: fronius:devicestatus_statuscode
    label: Status Code
    description: Current device status code
    configuration: {}
  - id: errorcode
    channelTypeUID: fronius:devicestatus_errorcode
    label: Error Code
    description: Current device error code
    configuration: {}

Although I’m the “wrong” Udo (as if this even was a possibility… :wink: ) just a quick question:
The fronius binding is known to use QuantityType, so why not using QuantityType?

I’m always using it as number, so no real reason

Well, the reason maybe is to get correct values…

Well a friend of mine has the 100% equal setup and is working with quantity types. He has the same issue…