Garage Door Setup for Alexa

How do you setup up the metadata for alexa to operator a garage door and use a sensor to tell it is open?

You would need to have a GarageDoor group endpoint that includes an item that controls your garage door configured as TargetOpenState attribute, and another one that provides the garage door open state as CurrentOpenState.

Keep in mind, that this functionality is only supported by the de-DE, en-GB, en-US, es-ES, fr-FR, and it-IT locales on the Alexa side.

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The UI does not have an option for TargetOpenState or CurrentOpenState. Do you need to setup with text items?

It is available in MainUI. Any attributes that require a group endpoint will not show by design.

You need to start by creating the group endpoint, add your items to that group and configure them. Also make sure that the item types for each attribute are supported.