Gate opener binding

I have a Mighty Mule MM571W driveway gate opener. It has Wifi operation but only has an Android app to control it. Has anyone attempted to bind it?

This website shows it has an external switch to open and close it.

It is what I have done with my gate but mine is not a might mule.
I use a sonoff device with a relay in it and use mqtt to momentarily close the circuit that operates the opening and closing of the gate.

Here is mine:

Thanks for the reply. I have already tried this approach and had 2 problems: 1: The mighty mule gate opener is not within wifi range so it doesn’t reliably connect, the mighty mule gate opener uses a longer distance radio to controll the gate. 2. My gate uses a solar charge/battery and the relay I used drained the battery too quickly (most relays don’t tell what the power requirement is. Ideally, I would like to know the app’s internet protocol and make a binding to the gate’s wifi unit which is inside my home. Has anyone found a method to reverse engineer an app to see how it’s messages work?

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