(German) school holidays for Ephemeris

I was missing a possibility to import German School holidays into Ephemeris.
The calendars are provided by schulferien.org.
But I wanted to have it imported automatically to check for

  • when is the next school holiday
  • is today a school holiday
  • what is the name of the next holiday

I could not find any other tool to import the calendars from schulferien.org so I wrote this little script.

usage: ephemeris.py [-h] [-v] [-i INPATH] [-o OUTFILE]

read school holidays from https://www.schulferien.org/deutschland/ical/

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         activate logging
  -i INPATH, --inPath INPATH
                        set path where the ics files are
  -o OUTFILE, --outFile OUTFILE
                        set the out file

Test it, and if you have any comments - feel free.

If you see any other (school) calendars for other contries. Please post the link if they do not work.


Hi Michael,

thank you very much for the script! :slight_smile:

I was able to use it on the school holidays 2021 and 2022 for Baden-WĆ¼rttemberg, Germany.

What I needed to change in the script was the utf8 encoding, maybe the format of the ics files changed from last March?

I put these three lines into the script, after the line ā€œimport osā€:

import sys

No idea if that is the way you do it (I am not a programmer), found this on Google. :wink: But it works now.

Maybe you want to update your repo on Github.


Hello Martin,

thanks a lot. Indeed for BW the content is different than for LowerSaxony - what I am using. That happens when people add special German characters (Ć¼) into files :-).

I updated your change in my repo.

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