Getting Rhasspy working with OpenHAB

Help requested for MQTT query syntax
I have a Rhasspy which works perfectly in voice control of my OH2.
Currently I have Rhasspy things such as:

Bridge mqtt:broker:Rhasspy “Rhasspy” @ “MQTT” [
Thing topic Rhasspy_thing “Rhasspy” @ “MQTT” {
Type string : Rhasspy_Intent “Str Rhasspy INTENT” [ stateTopic=“hermes/intent/#” ]

I get the MQTT frame in the Rhasspy_intent String item

String Rhasspy_Intent “Rhasspy Intent” {autoupdate=“false”,channel=“mqtt:topic:Rhasspy:Rhasspy_thing:Rhasspy_Intent” }

and I then process the information received in text mode in a rules !!!

rule "Rhasspy intent "
Item Rhasspy_Intent received update
///// text processing to extract my info
var String str_Mqtt = Rhasspy_Intent.state.toString
val String intentname = transform(“JSONPATH”, “$.intent.intentName”,str_Mqtt)

I added an item String to retrieve a value such as for example “itentName”
and I created a new channel in my thing such as:

Type string : IntentName “Rhasspy INTENTNAME” [ stateTopic="hermes/intent/intentName " ]

And the is my question: what is the correct syntax to get the desired value ??
I tried without result after reading examples of these syntaxes:

[ stateTopic="hermes/intent/intentName " ]
[ stateTopic="hermes/intent/intentName/# " ]
[ stateTopic=“hermes/intent/intentName/#:intentName” ]
[ stateTopic=“hermes:intent:intentName” ]

So my question is what is the correct syntax ???
I don’t understand the syntax given in paragraph 3.1 of post :


Thing mqtt:topic:mosquitto:rhasspy "Rhasspy voice control" (mqtt:broker:mosquitto) {
                Type string : intent_lights "Rhasspy Intent Lights" [ stateTopic="rhasspy/intent/Lights" ]

[ hermes/intent/Lights] gives me exactly the same as [ hermes/intent/#]

return json is as follows:

“input”: “turn mysensors_light_bcc8b6a2_light_1_1_status ON”,
“intent”: {
“intentName”: “Lights”,
“confidenceScore”: 1.0
“siteId”: “default”,
“id”: “93bee187-816f-4db4-a615-4a7c9e3c0e07”,
“slots”: [
“entity”: “item”,
“value”: {
“kind”: “Unknown”,
“value”: “mysensors_light_bcc8b6a2_light_1_1_status”
“slotName”: “item”,
“rawValue”: “right desk lamp”,
“confidence”: 1.0,
“range”: {
“start”: 5,
“end”: 46,
“rawStart”: 5,
“rawEnd”: 20
“entity”: “status”,
“value”: {
“kind”: “Unknown”,
“value”: “ON”
“slotName”: “status”,
“rawValue”: “on”,
“confidence”: 1.0,
“range”: {
“start”: 47,
“end”: 49,
“rawStart”: 21,
“rawEnd”: 23
“sessionId”: “93bee187-816f-4db4-a615-4a7c9e3c0e07”,
“customData”: null,
“asrTokens”: [
“value”: “turn”,
“confidence”: 1.0,
“rangeStart”: 0,
“rangeEnd”: 4,
“time”: null
“value”: “mysensors_light_bcc8b6a2_light_1_1_status”,
“confidence”: 1.0,
“rangeStart”: 5,
“rangeEnd”: 46,
“time”: null
“value”: “ON”,
“confidence”: 1.0,
“rangeStart”: 47,
“rangeEnd”: 49,
“time”: null
“asrConfidence”: null,
“rawInput”: “turn right desk lamp on”,
“wakewordId”: null,
“lang”: null

Help me !!!

I’ve created my own project and using it to connect Rhasspy with openHAB for our smart home at the UAS Technikum Wien: GitHub - fhtw-edge-computing/rhasspy-bridge: small, customizable and lightweight bridge for connecting Rhasspy to any other platform