Ghost amazon echo control binding

openhab 2.5.10 on debian 10 vmware esxi vm.
it’s probably my fault but now I can’t get out. some time ago I reported a possible bug on the amazon echo control binding, which was immediately identified and solved but only for version 3 of openhab; I then tried to make the changes myself to be able to recompile it and use it on openhab 2.5. After various ups and downs I managed to get the .jar file and install it in openhab 2.5 (the new binding works but the problem remains). Today I saw that an updated version (2.5.12) of the binding is available, so I decided to replace “mine” with the official one and here the problem arises:
I can’t uninstall the binding I created despite having followed all the procedures recommended;
after stopping openhab,

service openhab2 stop

cleaning the cache,

openhab-cli clean-cache

removing the file from the addons directory, checking that in the addons.cfg file the binding was not referenced,
restarting openhab

service openhab2 start

when in the console I list the bindings with the

bundle:list | grep Ama

command I get this:

203 x Active x 80 x x openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Amazon Echo Control Binding

it seems the binding even though it has been removed from the file system is still loaded by openhab at startup.

i also tried to reinstall the official distribution binding (2.5.11) what i get in this case is,

248 x Active x 80 x 2.5.11 x openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Amazon Echo Control Binding
285 x Waiting x 80 x x openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Amazon Echo Control Binding

if with the

bundle:unistall 285

I uninstall it the binding disappears from the list but at the next restart of openhab, after a few minutes, it reappears in the waiting state.
i have seen this in the openhablog file:

… [WARN ] [onechocontrol.internal.BindingServlet] - Register servlet fails
org.osgi.service.http.NamespaceException: alias: ‘/amazonechocontrol’ is already in use in this or another context

Where can I check/operate to permanently delete all references to this binding?
thanks in advance