Global List of Alexa Metadata?

Is there a simple way to list all Alexa-Metadata that is configured in openhab (together with Object-information to identify where each Metadata is added)?

Open the developer sidebar (alt-shift-d) and search for “alexa”. Under Items you should see all the Items that have alexa metadata (or which might have “alexa” somewhere else in their configuration). You can pin the Items and click the pencil icon to navigate to the Item’s page.

Hello Rich,
sorry for the late reply…
I tried to find the items with yout hint, but the result list is empty…
only items with ‘alexa’ in its names are found… is there something more to configure?

What version of OH are you running? I think the search was expanded in OH 4.1 IIRC to include Item metadata but if you are on an older OH search only searches the name and label of the Item.

You can open the $OH_USERDATA/jsondb/org.openhab.core.items.Metadata.json and search through that using your text editor of choice. That is where the metadata is stored.

Your answer reminds me (heavily) to perform an update… :wink:
The json File helped me with my current situation but I will update as soon as possible.
Thanks again very much, Rich!!