Trying to see a camera stream in google home app. I see black screen only and ffmpeg is not starting.
my assumptions were : stream must be compatible with google based on this GitHub - gihad/streamer: Converting Streams into HLS for playback on Chromecast devices using FFMPEG + NGINX
my config:
ip camera binding with pure rstp stream:
FFmepg command:
ffmpeg -i rtsp:/…:____@ -acodec aac -vcodec copy -hls_list_size 2 -hls_init_time 1 -hls_time 1 -hls_flags delete_segments
i can play this stream in VLC, but the home app is not starting the ffmpeg
- id: hlsUrl channel mapped to an item string ga=camera
UID: ipcamera:generic:449425871d
label: RTSP/HTTP IP Camera
thingTypeUID: ipcamera:generic
mjpegOptions: -q:v 5 -r 2 -vf scale=640:-2 -update 1
updateImageWhen: "0"
gifPreroll: 0
ffmpegLocation: /usr/bin/ffmpeg
ipWhitelist: DISABLE
mp4OutOptions: -c:v copy -c:a copy
pollTime: 1000
password: $$$$$$$
port: 80
snapshotOptions: -an -vsync vfr -q:v 2 -update 1
username: xxxxxx
ffmpegInput: rtsp://
hlsOutOptions: -strict -2 -f lavfi -i aevalsrc=0 -acodec aac -vcodec copy
-hls_flags delete_segments -hls_time 1 -hls_list_size 2 -hls_init_time 1
gifOutOptions: -r 2 -filter_complex
- id: startStream
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:startStream
label: Start HLS Stream
description: Lower the delay to start casting the camera by creating the files
non stop in case they are needed.
configuration: {}
- id: pollImage
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:pollImage
label: Poll Image
description: This can be used to trigger snapshot updates when an external PIR,
button or other form of sensor turns this channel ON.
configuration: {}
- id: image
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:image
label: Image
description: Low frame rate image from your camera. Recommend this is NOT used
unless you have large pollTime.
configuration: {}
- id: recordingGif
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:recordingGif
label: GIF Recording
description: Indicates how long the recording will occur for and when the file
is created, the channel will change to 0 by itself.
configuration: {}
- id: gifHistory
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:gifHistory
label: GIF History
description: A history of the last GIFs created in a CSV formatted string.
configuration: {}
- id: gifHistoryLength
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:gifHistoryLength
label: GIF History Length
description: How many GIFs are stored in the history.
configuration: {}
- id: recordingMp4
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:recordingMp4
label: MP4 Recording
description: Indicates how long the recording will occur for and when the file
is created, the channel will change to 0 by itself.
configuration: {}
- id: mp4History
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:mp4History
label: MP4 History
description: A history of the last mp4 recordings created in a CSV formatted string.
configuration: {}
- id: mp4HistoryLength
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:mp4HistoryLength
label: MP4 History Length
description: How many mp4 recordings are stored in the history.
configuration: {}
- id: lastMotionType
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:lastMotionType
label: Last Motion Type
description: A string that contains the type of motion alarm that was last triggered.
configuration: {}
- id: ffmpegMotionControl
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:ffmpegMotionControl
label: Control FFmpeg Motion Alarm
description: Enable/Disable the motion alarm and control the sensitivity.
configuration: {}
- id: ffmpegMotionAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:ffmpegMotionAlarm
label: FFmpeg Motion Alarm
description: FFmpeg has detected motion.
configuration: {}
- id: externalMotion
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:externalMotion
label: External Motion
description: Use any external sensor like a ZWave PIR sensor to flag that the
camera has motion in its field of view.
configuration: {}
- id: thresholdAudioAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:thresholdAudioAlarm
label: Audio Alarm Threshold
description: By moving this control you should be able to change how sensitive
the audio alarm is to soft or loud noises.
configuration: {}
- id: audioAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:audioAlarm
label: Audio Alarm
description: Audio has triggered an Alarm.
configuration: {}
- id: mjpegUrl
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:mjpegUrl
label: MJPEG URL
description: A link you can use in openHAB/HABpanel to fetch a MJPEG video feed
from the camera.
configuration: {}
- id: rtspUrl
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:rtspUrl
label: RTSP URL
description: A link that the camera uses for RTSP.
configuration: {}
- id: imageUrl
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:imageUrl
label: Image URL
description: A link you can use to fetch a static image from the camera.
configuration: {}
- id: hlsUrl
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:hlsUrl
label: HLS URL
description: A link you can use in openHAB to cast video feeds.
configuration: {}