Use case
Garage door opener with magnetic sensor showing gate state. Magnetic sensor is a device using zigbee/wifi etc.
When the magnetic sensor is not reachable/not working etc the gate status item will show wrong values. My solution:
I will use some kind of ping binding to ping the wireless device (let’s assume it’s wifi garage door dry contact with magnetic sensor wired). When i will not be able to ping this device i will asume the magnetic sensor is broken and can’t be used.
Is there a way to use google assistant (this is the main front-end for openhab) to show some warning / notification to the user about the fault?
In homekit integration i can use at example a leak sensor to warn user about some facts - ios home app pushes a notification.
Any way to achieve such result with google cloud ?
If openHAB can’t reach a WiFi device, I would expect the thing status to change to OFFLINE. If so, you can just check the status to determine if it’s functioning.
You could use this in a rule to update an item that’s shown in Google Home, but I don’t know how you would get Google Assistant to notify you. Maybe that’s possible in a GA rule, but I’ve never tried it.
You could definitely get a notification in the openHAB app. With the new notification actions, you could even trigger a rule that disables/enables the thing to refresh it, then resets the sensor status if the refresh fails.
Also worth noting that the GA implementation varies a little by country, so a feature that’s available for one user may not be available for another.
Devices with this trait may return the following notification payload as part of a device state change. To learn more about implementing notifications, see Notifications for smart home Actions.
If that works for you with your smoke detector, you can certainly try tricking GA into sending a notification for a device failure. Your guess is as good as mine.
With our implementation of the Google Home stuff, we can not send notifications.
There is currently no way to actively push device states to Google via openHAB.
This is always done in a pull fashion → the system asks your openHAB instance for latest values once you ask for them.
For completeness: I do have a private instance of openHAB and the Assistant integration that does work with notifications, but this is very experimental and will only work if you host all those services yourself.