Google Maps Binding

Continuing the discussion from Mojio - Connected Car:

Whats the best way to implement a Google Maps binding so that you could build better maps from Classic UI? I would like to be able to do the following:

  1. Include more then one point on a map
  2. Define the icon for each point on the map
  3. Define the zoom for the map
  4. Define the type of map (street, hybrid, satellite)
  5. Size of map
  6. Refresh of map
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The quickest way is to write something that shows up in a WebView widget, but the best way, in my opinion, is to extend the Classic UI with a Map element and widget as described that can use a Group item containing Location items (#1), use the members’ icons (#2), and takes other parameters that control #3-#6.

Just stumbled across this Wiki:



Did you ever get the google map pins showing in webview via the ios app?? Mine only show via direct or webview via firefox.


It works everywhere except the ios app.


Fixed it!

@watou fyi


Copy the pin and house images to a local /static/mapfiles directory and serve them from there using the full FQDN. I had this brain fart of an idea while driving home today. The IOS app tunnels all traffic throught the app to the server and creates problems because webview uses java and java security prevents tunnelling out to the internet to get the pins…