GPIO Binding Updates

Posting a reply I made on another thread as a new topic to possibly get better visibility


I am working on a project where I wish to include some contact sensors in a building into openhap using a remote RPi and the GPIO binding. After prototyping things, I found a few issues with the binding. One issue is the lack of reconnect to pigpiod. The other is any form of gpio pin state sync.

With that said, I started digging into the binding code to see what was up. So far I’ve managed to correct the pigpiod reconnect. The binding now supports a heartbeat to detect connection failures.

I’ve also added some configurable actions for when the binding connects or reconnects.

An example Thing config:

Thing gpio:pigpio-remote:shoppi "ShopPi GPIO" [ host="", port=8888, 
                                                outputReconnectAction="REFRESH" ] {
            Type pigpio-digital-output : BCM18 [ gpioId=18 ]
            Type pigpio-digital-input  : GPI23 [ gpioId=23,debouncingTime=30,pullupdown="UP",invert=true ]


  • Time in ms to check the state of the pigpiod process. This is done by issuing a CMD_TICK on the command socket.

inputConnectAction inputReconnectAction:

  • REFRESH - Issues a refresh on the input channels at INITIALIZING connect. This reflects the gpio pin value back on the channel.
  • NOTHING - Do nothing (existing binding behavior).


  • SETUNDEF - Set’s the input channesl to UNDEF
  • NOTHING - Do nothing


  • ALLON - Set’s the output channels to ON at INITIALIZING connect, commanding the gpio pin.
  • ALLOFF - Set’s the output channels to OFF at INITIALIZING connect, commanding the gpio pin.
  • REFRESH - This reflects the gpio pin value back on the channel.
  • NOTHING - Do nothing.


  • SETUNDEF - Set’s the output channels to UNDEF
  • NOTHING - Do nothing


  • REFRESH - Issues a refresh on the output channels at reconnect. On reconnect, the gpio pin value may reflect on the channel state UNLESS a channel item has been commanded to change. This one was confusing to me. It appears that OpenHAB queues channel commands until the Thing goes back online. This negates the REFRESH.
  • NOTHING - Do nothing (existing binding behavior).

Few questions:

  1. While this code is fresh in my mind. I would like to submit for feedback on the functionality.
  2. Request any other functionality (as long as it is reasonably doable).
  3. Find some folks other than me that may be willing to test.

I have made a build available: here
Code is: here

Build was made with:

openjdk 11.0.14 2022-01-18 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.14+9-LTS)
