Grafana Image Renderer not working after update to 4.3.0


Great work on the update! Everything seems te work fine after the update within OH itself.

Unfortunatly Grafana image rendering on my Pi4 doesn’t work anymore.
I can see the chromium-browse running and after a very long wait I get a 504 time-out.
At that point the process still seems to be running.

Any ideas what could have been changed in the update that could be the cause?

I get a long error message in grafana, but doen’t give me any clue where te look.

The message starts with:
level=error msg="Request error" error="Context.HTML - Error rendering template: error. You may need to build frontend assets \n template: error:16:42: executing \"error\" at <.Assets.Dark>: can't evaluate field Assets in type struct { Title string; AppTitle string; AppSubUrl string; ThemeType string; ErrorMsg error }" stack=" (0x1902123)\


There really isn’t anything that would have changed in OH that would cause an error in Grapfana render. In OH 4.3 it’s going to make the same HTTP calls to the same ports in the same ways to Grafana as it always has.

I suspect that while you were upgrading/updating the software to get the new OH you also got a new Grafana Image Render and they changed the API.

I am using grafana version 11.4.0 and openHab 4.3 with no issues.

Hey Edwin,
I face the same issue since the upgrade to 4.3 on my Pi4 with Grafana version 11.4.0, too. Have you managed to fix it? I spent a lot of time already, but no success, yet.

Yes, I have solved this.
I haven’t got around to it, to update this thread.

I couldn’t get it to work with the old solution.
I am now running a docker container on my Synology.
The docker image is the grafana-image-render. Thus only the renderer is running in a docker container and grafana still is running on my Raspberry.

The installation on the synology was easy just running this with the default settings.
In the configuration file for Grafana on the PI you need to set the folowing rules to tell it to use a remote Image renderer:
Below [renderer]
Uncoment the folowing to rules and change the values to your situation:
GF_RENDERING_SERVER_URL = http://<your-docker-ip:8081/render
GF_RENDERING_CALLBACK_URL = http://<your-RPI-ip:3000/

That’s it. I hope this solves your problem!

Regards, Edwin

That’s a smart workaround. Thanks for the hint! :slight_smile: I installed Grafana and the Image Renderer Plugin on another server, but Grafana on my Pi still gave me some errors after changing to the remote renderer plugin:

net/http: HTTP/1.x transport connection broken: malformed HTTP response

So I decided to use Grafana and the Image Renderer on the other host. Luckily an export and import of the dashboard is pretty easy. One thing was strange though - I had to reselect the first data point in every graph to show some lines. After that changed the URLs in my sitemap and everything is working again.