After spending a lot of time understanding things, items and rules I want to share a simple example how to create a basic set of rules for a H801 controller flashed with tasmota firmware in openHAB 3. (should work in openHAB 2 as well). Many examples from the source are taken from the community and put together here.
The focus of this example is the setup of items and rules. I recommend a basic knowledge about things, items, rules and sitemaps. Mandatory is a working Mosquitto (“mqtt”) server and a mqtt 2 (or higher) binding installed. You also need a “things” file to set up the mqtt bridge and the h801 thing with its channels. (There are more comfortable ways to create a thing in openHAB 3, but lets see how it works with a manual setup).
Let’s have a quick look on the things file:
Bridge mqtt:broker:openHAB3 "MQTT Bridge" [ host="", secure=false, username="openhabian", password="openhabian" ]
Thing topic h801 "H801" {
Type switch : h801_power [ stateTopic="stat/h801_219/power", commandTopic="cmnd/h801_219/power", on="ON", off="OFF" ]
Type string : h801_color [ stateTopic="stat/h801_219/color", commandTopic="cmnd/h801_219/color" ]
First line: connect to your mqtt server by providing connect parameters and set up a mqtt bridge.
You are free to define your own bridge name (“openHAB3”) and label (“MQTT Bridge”).
(don’t use unsafe user and password )
Define your H801 controller as a “thing”, in this example with thing name “h801” and label “H801”. You can use a mqtt client like “MQTT Explorer” (for Windows) to explore your mqtt infrastructure. Much easier to explore the topics of your H801 controller (and others).
In this example I just defined the power switch and the color as channels. With a channel you can read the status (“stateTopic”) and write a new status (“commandTopic”) to the channel.
Now have a look to the items file:
// these are real h801 channels:
Switch Led1_power "Power" <light> { channel="mqtt:topic:openHAB3:h801:h801_power" }
String Led1_color "Color" <colorlight> { channel="mqtt:topic:openHAB3:h801:h801_color" }
// colorpicker
Color Led1_ctrl_colorpicker "Farbe" <colorlight>
// color slider
Number Led1_ctrl_red "Red [%.0f]" <colorlight>
Number Led1_ctrl_green "Green [%.0f]" <colorlight>
Number Led1_ctrl_blue "Blue [%.0f]" <colorlight>
// color setpoints
Number Led1_ctrl_red2 "Red [%.0f]" <colorlight>
Number Led1_ctrl_green2 "Green [%.0f]" <colorlight>
Number Led1_ctrl_blue2 "Blue [%.0f]" <colorlight>
The items file creates elements which are used in rules, but also shown in your sitemap.
Here I defined the two real H801 channels for power and color, and also some more elements I want to use in the sitemap to change the color settings of the H801. Here are three different ways to set a color: the great “colorpicker” from openHAB, simple sliders for setting red, green and blue component from 0 to 100 percent, and the third way: choosing red, green and blue from a selector (dropdown) field named “setpoint” in openHAB.
Colorpicker, sliders and setpoints are not a representation of a h801 channel, their functionality is fully defined with the following rule file:
import java.awt.Color
import java.util.List
// system startup rule
rule "System_started"
System started
// initial set switch
if (Led1_power.state === NULL) Led1_power.sendCommand(OFF)
// set colorpicker
if (Led1_color.state === NULL) Led1_color.sendCommand('0,0,0')
// initial set slider
if (Led1_ctrl_red.state === NULL) Led1_ctrl_red.postUpdate(0)
if (Led1_ctrl_green.state === NULL) Led1_ctrl_green.postUpdate(0)
if (Led1_ctrl_blue.state === NULL) Led1_ctrl_blue.postUpdate(0)
// initial set setpoint
if (Led1_ctrl_red2.state === NULL) Led1_ctrl_red2.postUpdate(0)
if (Led1_ctrl_green2.state === NULL) Led1_ctrl_green2.postUpdate(0)
if (Led1_ctrl_blue2.state === NULL) Led1_ctrl_blue2.postUpdate(0)
// colorpicker rule: manages colorpicker changes
rule "Led1_Colorpicker"
Item Led1_ctrl_colorpicker received command
var Rn = 0
var Gn = 0
var Bn = 0
var output = ''
if (receivedCommand instanceof HSBType) {
Rn = ( * 2.55).intValue
Gn = ( * 2.55).intValue
Bn = ( * 2.55).intValue
} else if (receivedCommand == ON) {
Rn = 255
Gn = 255
Bn = 255
} else {
Rn = 0
Gn = 0
Bn = 0
output = (Rn as Number).intValue + "," + (Gn as Number).intValue + "," + (Bn as Number).intValue
// send command to h801 module to change color
// switch off if all colors are 0
if (Rn == 0 && Gn == 0 && Bn == 0) {
} else {
Led1_power.postUpdate(ON) // if a color is set, item is on, just update the switch
// update the setpoints
// update the sliders
Rn = ((Rn as Number) / 2.55).intValue
Gn = ((Gn as Number) / 2.55).intValue
Bn = ((Bn as Number) / 2.55).intValue
// slider rule: manages slider changes
rule "Led1_Sliders"
Item Led1_ctrl_red received command or
Item Led1_ctrl_green received command or
Item Led1_ctrl_blue received command
var Rn = (Led1_ctrl_red.state as DecimalType).intValue
var Gn = (Led1_ctrl_green.state as DecimalType).intValue
var Bn = (Led1_ctrl_blue.state as DecimalType).intValue
if (triggeringItemName == 'Led1_ctrl_red') Rn = receivedCommand
if (triggeringItemName == 'Led1_ctrl_green') Gn = receivedCommand
if (triggeringItemName == 'Led1_ctrl_blue') Bn = receivedCommand
Rn = ((Rn as Number) * 2.55).intValue
Gn = ((Gn as Number) * 2.55).intValue
Bn = ((Bn as Number) * 2.55).intValue
// send command to h801 module to change color
var output = (Rn as Number).intValue + "," + (Gn as Number).intValue + "," + (Bn as Number).intValue
// switch off if all colors are 0
if (Rn == 0 && Gn == 0 && Bn == 0) {
} else {
Led1_power.postUpdate(ON) // if a color is set, item is on, just update the switch
// update the setpoints
// update the colorpicker
val List<Float> hsb = Color.RGBtoHSB(Rn.intValue, Gn.intValue, Bn.intValue, null)
var float hue = (hsb.get(0)*360).intValue
var float sat = (hsb.get(1)*100).intValue
var float bri = (hsb.get(2)*100).intValue
var HSBType HSB = new HSBType(hue+","+sat+","+bri)
// setpoint rule: manages setpoint changes
rule "Led1_setpoints"
Item Led1_ctrl_red2 received command or
Item Led1_ctrl_green2 received command or
Item Led1_ctrl_blue2 received command
var Rn = (Led1_ctrl_red2.state as DecimalType).intValue
var Gn = (Led1_ctrl_green2.state as DecimalType).intValue
var Bn = (Led1_ctrl_blue2.state as DecimalType).intValue
if (triggeringItemName == 'Led1_ctrl_red2') Rn = receivedCommand
if (triggeringItemName == 'Led1_ctrl_green2') Gn = receivedCommand
if (triggeringItemName == 'Led1_ctrl_blue2') Bn = receivedCommand
// send command to h801 module to change color
var output = (Rn as Number).intValue + "," + (Gn as Number).intValue + "," + (Bn as Number).intValue
// switch off if all colors are 0
if (Rn == 0 && Gn == 0 && Bn == 0) {
} else {
Led1_power.postUpdate(ON) // if a color is set, item is on, just update the switch
// update the colorpicker
val List<Float> hsb = Color.RGBtoHSB((Rn as Number).intValue, (Gn as Number).intValue, (Bn as Number).intValue, null)
var float hue = (hsb.get(0)*360).intValue
var float sat = (hsb.get(1)*100).intValue
var float bri = (hsb.get(2)*100).intValue
var HSBType HSB = new HSBType(hue+","+sat+","+bri)
// update the sliders
Rn = ((Rn as Number) / 2.55).intValue
Gn = ((Gn as Number) / 2.55).intValue
Bn = ((Bn as Number) / 2.55).intValue
I will focus on the main functionality of those rules and not on coding details. Understanding those rules bases on understanding how the items used in sitemaps work. The only item directly connected to a H801 channel is the power switch. That means a power on/off command is directly passed to the H801 controller when the power switch in the sitemap has been operated, no rule is needed for this. Contrary to that a change in the colorpicker (or sliders/setpoints) has no effect to the H801, and that is what the rules are for.
The first rule (“System_started”) has a special functionality and is optional: after a reboot all items don’t have a “state” (they are NULL) and this rule just sets a initial state: switches the H801 off (“sendCommand”) and sets the other items to zero value (“postUpdate”). This is an important difference: sending a command to a mqtt item causes a hardware action (power, color…). But just posting a update to a item just updates the controls status in your sitemap, but does not trigger a hardware status change. This rule is optional, not necessarily needed for a working example. But keep the difference between sendCommand and postUpdate in mind!
Now focus on the other three rules. These rules handle changes on a specific sitemap element and trigger a “sendCommand” to the H801. They also update the state of the other elements, that means changing a color in the colorpicker also causes the same color is immediately set in all other color setting elements. Expressed in a simple way:
- Changing the colorpicker sends the color command to the H801 and sets the choosen color to the sliders and the setpoint elements
- Changing the color sliders sends the color command to the H801 and sets the choosen color to the colorpicker and the setpoint elements
- Changing the color setpoints sends the color command to the H801 and sets the choosen color to the sliders and the colorpicker
So, if you decide you don’t need the setpoint elements, just remove the setpoint rule and the setpoint parts from the other rules. Finally, the sitemap file:
sitemap experimental label="H801 LED Controller" {
Frame label="Power" {
Switch item=Led1_power
Frame label="RGB Colorpicker" {
Colorpicker label="Colorpicker" item=Led1_ctrl_colorpicker
Frame label="RGB Slider" {
Slider item=Led1_ctrl_red
Slider item=Led1_ctrl_green
Slider item=Led1_ctrl_blue
Frame label="RGB Setpoint" {
Setpoint item=Led1_ctrl_red2 minValue=0 maxValue=255 step=1
Setpoint item=Led1_ctrl_green2 minValue=0 maxValue=255 step=1
Setpoint item=Led1_ctrl_blue2 minValue=0 maxValue=255 step=1