Haas+Sohn Oven Binding V2.0rc2


Haas Sohn Pellet Stove Binding

The binding for Haassohnpelletstove communicates with a Haas and Sohn Pelletstove through the optional WIFI module. More information about the WIFI module can be found here.

Supported Things

Things Description Thing Type
haassohnpelletstove Control of a Haas & Sohn Pellet Stove oven

Thing Configuration

In general two parameters are required. The IP-Address of the WIFI-Modul of the Stove in the local Network and the Access PIN of the Stove. The PIN can be found directly at the stove under the Menue/Network/WLAN-PIN.

Thing haassohnpelletstove:oven:myOven “Pelletstove” [ hostIP=“”, hostPIN=“1234”]


The following channels are yet supported:

Channel Type Access Description
power Switch read/write Turn the stove on/off
channelIsTemp Number:Temperature read Receives the actual temperature of the stove
channelSpTemp Number:Temperature read/write Receives and sets the target temperature of the stove
channelMode String read Receives the actual mode the stove is in like heating, cooling, error, …
channelEcoMode Switch read/write Turn the eco mode of the stove on/off
channelIngitions Number read Amount of ignitions of the stove
channelMaintenanceIn Number:Mass read States the next maintenance in kg
channelCleaningIn String read States the next cleaning window in hours:minutes as string
channelConsumption Number:Mass read Total consumption of the stove
channelOnTime Number read Operation hours of the stove

Full Example


Number:Temperature isTemp { channel=“oven:channelIsTemp” } Number:Temperature spTemp { channel=“oven:channelSpTemp” } String mode { channel=“oven:channelMode” } Switch power { channel=“oven:power” }

Google Assistant configuration

See also: Google Assistant | openHAB


Group g_FeuerThermostat “FeuerThermostat” {ga=“Thermostat” } Number StatusFeuer “Status Feuer” (g_FeuerThermostat) { ga=“thermostatMode” } Number ZieltemperaturFeuer “ZieltemperaturFeuer” (g_FeuerThermostat) {ga=“thermostatTemperatureSetpoint”} Number TemperaturFeuer “TemperaturFeuer” (g_FeuerThermostat) {ga=“thermostatTemperatureAmbient”}

Tested Hardware

The binding was successfully tested with the following ovens:

  • HSP6 434.08


Version 2.0rc1 (Minimum OH Version 4.3.0 required)

  • added: A reconnection rate in case of weak wifi signal. Still in beta testing.

Version 1.0

  • initial release


Latest Release JAR:
Latest JarFile V2.0rc2

Source Code is merged here (pull request created):
Github repository

New Pull Request:
Pull Request


This binding was developed by @Christian_Feininger

Thanks for taking the time and develop a binding for that. Note that it seems that the link above has changed and I think, this is the new one: WLan function - Haas+Sohn Wärmedesign - Kaminöfen und Herde für eine Gute Zeit zuhause

Thanks for noticing. I will change it accordingly. Furthermore, the published binding is not yet compatible with 4.3.0.
Give me some hours and I will make it compatible.

It works now. Go ahead and give it a try.