HabApp 23.09.2 restart sporadically

I am experiencing a sporadically restart of HabApp (reconnect to openhab) with the following log output:

[2023-10-05 20:28:36,311] [                   HABApp]    ERROR | Error Chunk too big in sse_task:
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,311] [                   HABApp]    ERROR | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/HABApp/openhab/connection/plugins/events_sse.py", line 50 in sse_task
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,312] [                   HABApp]    ERROR | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,313] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      35 | async def sse_task(self):
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,313] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |       (...)
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,314] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      44 |             log_events = logging.getLogger(f'{TOPIC_EVENTS}.openhab')
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,315] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      45 |             DEBUG = logging.DEBUG
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,315] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      47 |             async with sse_client.EventSource(
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,316] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      48 |                     url=f'/rest/events?topics={HABApp.CONFIG.openhab.connection.topic_filter}',
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,316] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      49 |                     session=context.session, **context.session_options) as event_source:
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,317] [                   HABApp]    ERROR | -->  50 |                 async for event in event_source:
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,317] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      52 |                     e_str = event.data


[2023-10-05 20:28:36,322] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      context.is_oh3 = False
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,323] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      context.session = <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7f8557cf90>
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,324] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      context.session_options = {}
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,324] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      event = MessageEvent(type='message', message='message', data='{"topic":"openhab/things/sony:scalar:15b0d3fc5546/status","payload":"{\\"status\\":\\"UNKNOWN\\",\\"statusDetail\\":\\"NONE\\",\\"description\\":\\"Initializing ...\\"}","type":"ThingStatusInfoEvent"}', origin='', last_event_id='')
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,325] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      event.data = '{"topic":"openhab/things/sony:scalar:15b0d3fc5546/status","payload":"{\\"status\\":\\"UNKNOWN\\",\\"statusDetail\\":\\"NONE\\",\\"description\\":\\"Initializing ...\\"}","type":"ThingStatusInfoEvent"}'
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,325] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      HABApp.CONFIG.openhab.connection.topic_filter = 'openhab/items/*,openhab/channels/*,openhab/things/*'
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,326] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      logging.DEBUG = 10
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,326] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      self = <HABApp.openhab.connection.plugins.events_sse.SseEventListenerPlugin object at 0x7f87820cd0>
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,327] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      self.plugin_connection = <HABApp.openhab.connection.connection.OpenhabConnection object at 0x7f878d1690>


[2023-10-05 20:28:36,334] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      (ValueError, TypeError) = (<class 'ValueError'>, <class 'TypeError'>)
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,334] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      _see_handler = <function on_sse_event at 0x7f879207c0>
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,335] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      DEBUG = 10
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,335] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      e = ValueError('Chunk too big')
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,337] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      e_json = {'topic': 'openhab/things/sony:scalar:15b0d3fc5546/status', 'payload': '{"status":"UNKNOWN","statusDetail":"NONE","description":"Initializing ..."}', 'type': 'ThingStatusInfoEvent'}
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,337] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      e_str = '{"topic":"openhab/things/sony:scalar:15b0d3fc5546/status","payload":"{\\"status\\":\\"UNKNOWN\\",\\"statusDetail\\":\\"NONE\\",\\"description\\":\\"Initializing ...\\"}","type":"ThingStatusInfoEvent"}'
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,338] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      e_type = 'ThingStatusInfoEvent'
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,338] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      event_source = <aiohttp_sse_client.client.EventSource object at 0x7f844ec690>
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,338] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      log_events = <Logger HABApp.EventBus.openhab (INFO)>
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,339] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      not oh3 = True
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,339] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      not oh3 and e_type == 'ItemStateEvent' = False
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,339] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      oh3 = False
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,339] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      TOPIC_EVENTS = 'HABApp.EventBus'
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,339] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      e_type == 'ALIVE' = False
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,340] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |      e_type == 'ItemStateEvent' = False
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,340] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |    ------------------------------------------------------------
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,340] [                   HABApp]    ERROR | 
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,341] [                   HABApp]    ERROR | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,341] [                   HABApp]    ERROR | Traceback (most recent call last):
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,341] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/HABApp/openhab/connection/plugins/events_sse.py", line 50, in sse_task
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,342] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |     async for event in event_source:
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,342] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp_sse_client/client.py", line 157, in __anext__
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,342] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |     async for line_in_bytes in self._response.content:
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,343] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/streams.py", line 35, in __anext__
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,343] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |     rv = await self.read_func()
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,343] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,344] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/streams.py", line 311, in readline
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,344] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |     return await self.readuntil()
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,345] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,345] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/streams.py", line 337, in readuntil
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,345] [                   HABApp]    ERROR |     raise ValueError("Chunk too big")
[2023-10-05 20:28:36,346] [                   HABApp]    ERROR | ValueError: Chunk too big

HABApp.log (350.6 KB)

Maybe related to:



I increased the buffer to 256kib.
Let’s see if the issue happens again.