HABapp, mqtt continuous connect and disconnect

HABapp.log with mqtt connect and disconnect messages every 2nd second…

Did not happen previously, is there a new configuration needed? HABapp, version 24.11.1

I dont use MQTT directly from HABapp so no topics subscribed.


    client_id: HABApp   # ClientId that is used to uniquely identify this client on the mqtt broker.
    host: ''                          # Connect to this host. Empty string ("") disables the connection.
    port: 1883
    user: ''
    password: ''
      enabled: false    # Enable TLS for the connection
      ca cert: ''       # Path to a CA certificate that will be treated as trusted
      insecure: false  # Validate server hostname in server certificate
    qos: 0   # Default QoS for subscribing
    - '#'
    qos: 0         # Default QoS when publishing values
    retain: false  # Default retain flag when publishing values
    listen_only: true  # If True HABApp does not publish any value to the broker

I set the host to ‘’ and disabled the mqtt connection, which stopped the loop. Maybe there needs to be a subscribe-topic to work properly? Solved for now.

host: ''

Do you have another client connect with the same id?

Ahhh. Yes. Added country under location and copied config.yml over from my local files, obviously the mqtt-client_id then got identical. Keeping them unique and all is OK. Thanks!