HABApp - No Openhab Items found

I just startet with HABApp. Installation was easy. HAPApp is running normal.

● habapp.service - HABApp
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/habapp.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Mon 2024-04-22 09:04:14 CEST; 12h ago
       Docs: https://habapp.readthedocs.io
   Main PID: 818 (habapp)
      Tasks: 8 (limit: 2176)
        CPU: 7.656s
     CGroup: /system.slice/habapp.service
             └─818 /opt/habapp/bin/python3 /opt/habapp/bin/habapp -c /etc/openhab/habapp

Apr 22 09:04:14 openhabian systemd[1]: Started HABApp.

On Startup I get the following log:

2024-04-22 09:04:28.266 [INFO ] [HABApp                              ] - HABApp Version 24.02.0
2024-04-22 09:04:28.455 [INFO ] [HABApp.Config                       ] - Parameters disabled! Folder /etc/openhab/habapp/params does not exist!
2024-04-22 09:04:28.466 [INFO ] [HABApp.Config                       ] - Manual thing configuration disabled! Folder /etc/openhab/habapp/config does not exist!
2024-04-22 09:04:28.634 [INFO ] [HABApp.connection.openhab           ] - Connection disabled (user/password missing)!
2024-04-22 09:04:28.636 [INFO ] [HABApp.connection.mqtt              ] - MQTT disabled
2024-04-22 09:04:29.640 [INFO ] [HABApp.EventBus                     ] -         HABApp.Files: <RequestFileLoadEvent filename: rules/test.py>
2024-04-22 09:04:29.652 [INFO ] [HABApp.EventBus                     ] -         HABApp.Files: <RequestFileLoadEvent filename: rules/test_import.py>

Rules are loaded instantly.
But I can’t get any OpenHab item.
I Tried



OpenhabItem.get_item("Battery SOC")

Does I have to change something in the config.yaml?

Thank you!

[HABApp.connection.openhab           ] - Connection disabled (user/password missing)!

You have to add the connection details in the config.yml - typically this is just the user/password for openhab.
In openhab you have to allow basic auth if you use your user/password.
User/password is the preferred way because it offers better performance.

Once you entered everything HABApp will print the openHAB version in the logs so you see that everything works as expected.

I’m guessing Battery_SOC is a NumberItem so you would use that:

self.my_soc = NumberItem.get_item("Battery_SOC")

Thank you! I already tried my OH user and PW. But it seems I did something wrong :stuck_out_tongue:
Now its runs perfectly.