HabPanel presense detection working but Code isnt

Hi All,

Ive managed to get my Kodi THING status working fine and updating my logs as its online, offline.

I have defined a button which will reboot the Kodi thing. This works fine.

What I’m trying to do, is illuminate the button if the item is online (Vero is the name of my Proxy item that detects state) and then just have it grey when its OFF

I cant work out the right combination of code to get it working :smiley:

Can someone provide a pointer?

            <div class="name">Controls</div>
            <div class="sceneGroup">
                <div class="scene" ng-class="{true:'on', false:''}[itemValue('Vero')=='ON']" ng-class="{true:'', false:'on'}[itemValue('Vero')=='OFF']"
                     ng-click="sendCmd('myKodi_systemcommand', 'REBOOT')">
                    Reboot Vero