Hacking AnKUoo NEO Wifi Light Switch Need Help to Flash

Hey Guys I just took apart a Ankuoo Neo Wifi Light Switch

The Wifi Board has Two Micro-Controller Chips.

88MC200 Micro Controller & 88W8728 Wifi Chip

Data Sheets Attached It appears the MC200 has a 5 pin headed attached inline.

How do I verify a TX / RX pins and how would you recommend re-Flashing this for MQTT. I have a arduino Mega as my USB to serial interface.

New to this need help! Thanks

A quick search on that chipset doesn’t turn up much of anything in the way of custom firmware.

You would probably be better off looking for something based on the ESP8266. The Wion product is the only light switch I know of that is reported to use it, although I have not verified for myself.

I have found that it uses UDP to talk to the app. How do I decode the UDP commands out of the port 53 packet?

Check out this firmware for Ankuoo NEO https://github.com/ljalves/hfeasy/