Question is about moving up to Openhab 4.0. Trying to add a SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus-E and have tried many settings, prot, baud, etc HW/SW flow.
I’m not using MQTT yet but just trying to see the adapter and some things on network. Alway get some error when adding mostly communication error?
Can only see two tty’s that are probably defaults in the form. I’m expecting there should be a tty0 but nothing shows up and all my guesses don’t work? Some people say they have it working, but I could really use settings on for my Pi4
It probably shows up as /dev/ttyUSB0
type sudo dmesg and you might see what it is using.
I am using the SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus-P dongle and it works well but I am using zigbee2mqtt and pass that to openHab via mqtt.
Interesting reading :
I am awaiting the delivery of two SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus-P, which should work with OH, and a re definitely supposed to work with zigbee2mqtt… the latter, which I am going to test as an alternative or even adjunct to the OH-native binding.
Thanks @ubeaut for pointing these out to me.
Good luck, if you discover anything let me know. I’ll eventually go to mqtt but I have a lot of vanilla devices that don’t need that level of communications, on, off etc.
Can you tell me what settings you used baud port flow?
On my configuration there is no baud rate setting only the port.
Just for clarification: The P-version should not be running in OH directly (but only via zigbee2mqtt) as described here, or am I wrong?
Thank you for pointing this out. I actually ordered the non-P version, based on what I read on the forum. However, I have mine tested with zigbee2mqtt, but not with OH yet