Hardware recommendations

I have no limitations. You can pass hardware through to the container easily with the --device=/dev/ttyUSB0 option (using the path to your device of course). I’ve no experience with Xen; I use ESXi. I did have a little trouble with ESXi 6.5 as their USB drivers were a little half baked and I couldn’t get reliable connectivity between my USB zwave controller and my VM. But I downgraded the USB drivers and it has been running without a hitch for over a year now I think. I don’t know if newer versions of ESXi continue to have this problem.

Though passing the USB device through to the VM and Docker container is not necessarily required. Particularly if the location of your server is not ideal for wireless communication with the Zwave or Zigbee mesh networks or the like you can use Share Z-wave dongle over IP (USB over IP using ser2net / socat ) guide with a cheap SBC like a RPi 0W to plug your USB dongle into and connect the device to your VM over TCP/IP.

And you do a thorough code review of the tens of thousands of lines of code that goes into a Slackware upgrade?

“No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy.” - Helmuth von Moltke the Elder

You need to get real experience with these technologies before you can develop your design and plans. The wish list is a great place to start but if you start with a bill of materials and detailed architecture and plans before you actually have any experience with any of these technologies and systems you are almost guaranteed to make some very costly mistakes.You need to be doing tests and prototypes NOW while you are developing your plans and architectures. If you wait it will be too late. Each of these have edge cases and limitations that you will not be able to discover until you actually start using them.

Most solutions I’ve seen are to have AC to 5V DC converters in the rooms. So the main power is SC but at the outlets you have some 5V DC outlets. At least that is how some of my outlets work. Amazon.com I’m not sure if Lucky is referring to something similar.

Just be aware that smart bulbs are incompatible with traditional wall switches. If you have a regular old wall switch and flip it off the bulb goes offline. You would have to wire up “smart” switches that don’t actually control the power to the bulb but just turns them on and off.

For this reason (and the fact that I don’t care about color) I use switches and outlets that I can control, not bulbs.