So, I bought a second Harmony Hub. My original hub, an Ultimate Home Hub, works great with my OpenHAB setup. But when I tried to add my new Home Hub (that comes with a remote without a screen), OpenHAB isn’t differentiating between the two hubs. The second TV is off at the time of this screenshot, and there isn’t even a “Watch TV” activity on that hub (there is no cable box in that room so that activity is replaced with “Use Google TV”).
Here are the relevant config files. What am I missing?
openhab.cfg harmonyhub:tvroom.password=xxxxx harmonyhub:playroom.password=xxxxx
String TVroomHub_Activity "Current Activity [%s]" <television> (Harmony) { harmonyhub="<[tvroom:currentActivity]" } String PlayroomHub_Activity "Current Activity [%s]" <television> (Harmony) { harmonyhub="<[playroom:currentActivity]" }
Frame label="TV Room Hub Status" { Text item=TVroomHub_Activity } Frame label="Play Room Hub Status" { Text item=PlayroomHub_Activity }