
Alsomake sure you are using 1.71, 1.8 didnt work for me.

Yes, I use 1.71.

I don’t know what help. I try almost everything :slight_smile: But after router reboot , now working :open_mouth:
Thanks for help

Could anyone tell me if there is any Harmony setting in the openhab.cfg?
In my openhab.cfg I couldn’t find the Harmony part so I just added at the and of the file and I don’t know if this is right or not!
I can’t control my remote with OH :frowning:

I have OH 1.7.1 and the remote is the ultimate one!

In the router I found with a scanner software that the hup ip is always the same and so I use the right one.

I have the remote for a week by now and can’t use it :(((

Any idea?


Take a look here:

I’ve read ten times this page and I still don’t know if there’s suppose to have this harmony section under openhab.cfg!
Non of the eg on wiki works for me even if I restart the openhab or the router or the pi.

What to say? It’s not working… :frowning:

I don’t know if is necessary to reinstall the Raspbian and OH together with all the settings I have.

Maybe I don’t understand your question, but it says in the wiki:
The following configuration items are required to be set in openhab.cfg
So yes, you need to have those three lines in your openhab.cfg.

The question was if these three lines should be there in the openhab.cfg when you download OH on a computer? Raspberry or so.
In my case I looked for these three lines and I couldn’t find them and I just write them on the bottom of the file and I don’t know if that is ok or not.
I think normally these three lines related to the ip, user and pass should be already in the openhab.cfg but marked with # and you need to fill your data and unmark the # symbol.

Most of the binding config is already in the openhab_default.cfg, which during your own configuration is renamed to openhab.cfg.
If it is missing, you can simply add it (like you did)

I don’t use this binding, but while reading through the wiki:

Make sure you have at least the
org.openhab.binding.harmonyhub.jar AND the
in your addons folder.

If you want to use the actions, you need in addition to that the

And sometimes it helps to install the snapshot version which can be found here:

Thanks man, i had already these 3 addons in the addon folder so that couldn’t be the reason of my problem but I’ll try the snapshot too and I’ll see if it’s working or not :sweat:

Hi man, i finaly got it working more or less …
So the trouble now is that i only can start the TV. I made an activity called WatchTV which has the Power Off option included already. I than created an item like this:
String Harmony_Activity "activity [%s]" {harmonyhub="*[currentActivity]"}
and sitemap:
Switch item=Harmony_Activity mappings=[PowerOff='PowerOff', Watch TV='TV', FireTV='FireTV']
when i press the “TV” button it turns my TV on but when i press the “Power Off” its not turning off the TV although the WatchTV activity has this Power Off option included.

Do I have to make another activity especially for the Power Off command? I don’t get the idea…

I have also some rules that turns my Fibaro dimmer on / dimm / off and i would like to integrate the TV activity too but first of all i need to see that the TV turns on and off.

Please help :slight_smile:

I got it!!!
It was about a space between Power and Off. After deleting the space now its turning on and off my TV :slight_smile:
Now i have these rules:
rule "Activare scene iluminat"
Item Living_SC changed
switch Living_SC.state{
case 0:{
logInfo("Scenes", "Scena Film Activa")
case 1:{
logInfo("Scenes", "Scena TV Activa")
case 2:{
logInfo("Scenes", "Scena Cina Activa")
case 3:{
logInfo("Scenes", "Scena Noapte Activa")

and the light works fine but the TV its not turning on or off …
Any help wold be kindly appreciated.


I’m still kind of new but I’ll try to help. Try sendCommand(Harmony_Activity,PowerOff). Also try Harmony_Activty.sendCommand(PowerOff). You may have to put PowerOff in quotes like “PowerOff” but I’m not sure off the top of my head. Same type of command for WatchTV. Added some code below.

rule "Activare scene iluminat"
     Item Living_SC changed
switch Living_SC.state{
case 0:{
logInfo("Scenes", "Scena Film Activa")

case 1:{
logInfo("Scenes", "Scena TV Activa")

//not sure if you need quotes around WatchTV or not.

case 2:{
logInfo("Scenes", "Scena Cina Activa")

case 3:{
logInfo("Scenes", "Scena Noapte Activa")

//same thing here with PowerOff

//also try using the following syntax
//I've used both before and I'm not really sure what the difference is

Thank you, its working well now with the send command and with quotes :ok_hand:

I would like to modify a little bit this rule meaning that when pressing the TV scene, the light should start or not depending on a light sensor or depending on an clock hour, eg. if the sensor report a value under 20% when pressing the tv scene will turn the light on an the tv on and if is more than 20% will turn only the tv on.
Same thing i think it can be done depending on the day hour but i don’t know how…
Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Thank you all for support.

Not sure if this is a good place to post this or not but ive setup the harmony binding in openhab2 and have noticed a strange issues… seems like the harmony activity keeps creating the same item in the system… Everyday a new one pops up… look at the screenshot below… theres about 20 of those just for reference…

You aren’t alone, I just haven’t had time to think about how to fix it in my case. I had thought it was showing one activity item for each harmony device i’d set up, but haven’t looked at the total number of them recently…

There are alot and everyday more and more…

There is still an open issue:

Has this been fixed… was just looking at that issue thread and it looks like a fix may have been found. Not sure how to implement the fix if it has been.

Will Harmony Hab works without internet?
If i configure it and turn off accesses to internet?

I have unstable connection, and received this error:

Error during the execution of rule SoftAwake
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No client '' defined
    at org.openhab.io.harmonyhub.HarmonyHubGateway.withClient(HarmonyHubGateway.java:218) ~[na:na]
    at org.openhab.io.harmonyhub.HarmonyHubGateway.pressButton(HarmonyHubGateway.java:274) ~[na:na]
    at org.openhab.io.harmonyhub.HarmonyHubGateway.pressButton(HarmonyHubGateway.java:258) ~[na:na]
    at org.openhab.action.harmonyhub.internal.HarmonyHub.harmonyPressButton(HarmonyHub.java:34) ~[na:na]

But some time it works without errors.

Answer here: