Hdmi cec binding

really not sure where to go from here, openhab user is in staff group, audio, video, tty, and dialout, still getting process ended… think I might just format the pi and start again.

Hi, I’ve installed your binding using karaf console on my openhab 2.1 installation running on raspberry pi2 (installed from apt repo), but I don’t understand how to configure it.
From paperui I press the “plus sign” in the inbox page, the I select “HdmiCec Binding” but in the next page I cannot set nothing (see attachment). How can I configure my device ?

On my installation this is working and I can select the device type on this page. Are there any errors in the logfile?

After reinstaling your binding I can see the configuration page. Thanx!

Edit: P.S On debian 9.1 (stretch) no need to compile cec-client from source, simply install cec-utils from standard debian repository

Would it be possible to use this binding to execute cec-client commands on a remote system rather than directly connected cec adaptor. I’m wanting to send commands from my OH2 server running on a Synology NAS to a Raspberry Pi running Libreelec on the same network.

I’ve setup ssh keys between the NAS and the RPi Libreelec client so can manually exec commands remotely from the NAS without password prompts.
e.g. ssh root@ “echo ‘tx 15:44:6C’ | cec-client -s” works.

Any guidance would be appreciated.

My suggestion would be the exec binding combined with rules for your case, if executing commands is working already.

I am using a python script and mqtt for communication with my cec client on a remote raspberry pi, which executes the client commands on the corresponding topic messages.

Sorry, can I ask you for the bind itself, the jar file, to integrate on my system?

Thank you Sir, waiting with joy instruction on how to better setup the environment
Just load it into addon path
I have OH running on a Raspberry and Samsung UE40B650 connected via HDMI on the second Raspberry mounting and running Kodi
I wonder if there’s a way to swicth off myTV the same manner… hopefully
I see it’s a snapshot release. Are you planning to release a official stable bind?

thank you
Please, can you post your openhab configuration files, thing item and sitemap examples?

I don’t have a sitemap other than to put all related items in a “hometheater” group, but I’ve uploaded my hdmi.things file as well as my hometheater.rules. The hdmi.things has the important info, it shows how the bridge and AV equipment are all configured. Again, to do this you need to run cec-utils (when openhab is not running) with a “scan” command, and you should do it when all your hdmi equipment is turned on and in a final configuration. I expect you will find bugs so keep me informed. Good luck! Files are in the github link from my prior post

This forum seems to be blocking links to my github account. Well, from github go to /EricMeeks/openhab2-addons/releases/tag/2.4.0.HDMICEC and you will find the files. All virus free, thank you moderators :slight_smile:

On the hdmicec branch I can’t find anything relative to your *.things, *.items, or *.rules examples. Where in the repo can they be found? There is no README.md either.

This link should take you to the files. There is no file for *.items, as I just created those in the UI, but the items in the rules that begin with HDMI are the linked ones to the things/channels. https://github.com/EricMeeks/openhab2-addons/releases/tag/2.4.0.HDMICEC

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And indeed it does, thank you!

Great! Good luck, and again let me know of any issues. I know there must be some.

You’re welcome

The *.items file that shows the definitions of the Items referenced in hometheater.rules would help as well – sanitized for security of course.