Hello and introduction

Hej openHAB-Community,

I’m new to the scene and just want to say Hello and Thanks for that piece of software and community work.
I tried with HomeAssistant but after some experiences, I found HA too black-boxed, not true open source. So here I am…
I’m starting with an installation on Debian Bookworm on a RPI4 and want to control a handful Shelly Plugs, later collect data from a Shelly pro 3EM, finally there could be a PV-System with battery. A (homegrown) voice assistant could be a funny option and of course the use of mobile apps… I’m looking forward to discover the possibilities!


Welcome to the community!

Why not start with our openHABian image?

I’m quite used to work on Debian and want the system to be accessible as possible, maybe integrate openHAB later with different tasks. Also, installation is already done…

Welcome to the community!

Fun detail, everything you just mentioned I got running on OpenHAB (or in the process of getting it.) :slight_smile: it works really well!
Had a little issue with the Shelly 3m pro, had to reach out to support because it kept going offline. In the end they told me to turn off modbus and that seems to have stabilized it.

If you happen to have the time do try out the openhabian image even if just in another device. It comes bundled with many other apps like frontail, which can save you some headaches. Also because it’s very well documented, how to open the karaf console etc. If you go with docker things get a tad different.

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