Help build binding for Paradox Alarm Panel with IP150

quick (unrelated) question: didn’t Paradox produce also another version of the IP150 device? (I think they call it IP150S)

I have one of those (I couldn’t find the “standard” IP150) and it reports firmware revision: 1.4 (and it works fine)

Yeah I was wondering about that. It’s possible, As you’d move the sp specific keep alive and event number driven code to a mapping file and make a new one for evo.

But I’d assume given their direction for firmware that the numbers wanting to do this would be dropping.

Hi to all.

I have posted IP150 downgrade instructions and tools to GitHub because GitHub allows file upload. I will read all comments ant questions there, but for answer periodically look at GitHub.

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I confirm that nezmogus’ method works. After a few failures and trying I was able to downgrade my IP150 4.00 to 1.32 and now I can see my alarm’s messages on MQTT.

85 posts were split to a new topic: Binding for Paradox Alarm Panel

How to update from version 1.32 to 4.40 which is functional.
I have firmware 4.40 of the IP150.

someone can write an example of mqtt.things and alarm.items for arm/disarm the alarm from openhab?

Hi everyone,
i also started to expirementing with the v2 script, but in my paradox/zone/zone1 topic i get ON and OFF but after them i also get a number different every time, so i can not map them. Am i doing something wrong?Am i missing something?
Thank you in advance.

What is the exact payload?
You may need a JS transformation instead of a MAP one.

If these are payloads (again post an example) from my fork of the ParadoxIP150v2 - then yes there is some json, but that’s only panel information (voltages, panel date time, it comes out as part of the heartbeat)

The example alarm.items (in a subfolder of the project on github) has been updated.

Is there a command to bypass a zone?

Not that I’m aware of. Have a look in to readme at the control topics

What i mean is that for a specific zone i get as payload OPEN/CLOSE although for another, i get ON/OFF with a number after it. See the attached images.

Ok so for a payload like for Paradox/Zone/LR/Windows you will need a JS transform to extract the value
I assume that ON will be OPEN and OFF closed

Create a file called paradox_windows.js in your transform folder with the following content:

(function(payload) {
    var data = payload.split(" ")[0];  // "ON" or "OFF"
    var result = "";
    if (data == "ON") result = "OPEN";
    if (data == "OFF") result = "CLOSED";
    return result;

Make sure the JS (Javascript) transformation in installed in the paperUI

Use the transformation for CONTACT items as it returns OPEN and CLOSED

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Thanks!!! Its working great!!!

Another thing i am trying to do is to run it as a service. what i get from systemctl status paradoxip.service i get

pi@OPENHABSRV:~ $ systemctl status paradoxip.service
● paradoxip.service - Starts and stops the Paradox IP150 Python script
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/paradoxip.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2019-02-12 11:51:54 EET; 4h 10min ago
 Main PID: 10433 (python)
   Memory: 15.6M
      CPU: 2.326s
   CGroup: /system.slice/paradoxip.service
           └─10433 /usr/bin/python /home/pi/paradoxip/

Feb 12 15:48:28 OPENHABSRV python[10433]: ERROR:root:******************* Error reading config.ini file (will use defaults): [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/h
Feb 12 15:48:28 OPENHABSRV python[10433]: ERROR:root:MQTT connection error (3: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode'
Feb 12 15:51:01 OPENHABSRV python[10433]: ERROR:root:MQTT connection error (2: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode'
Feb 12 15:53:33 OPENHABSRV python[10433]: ERROR:root:MQTT connection error (1: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode'
Feb 12 15:56:06 OPENHABSRV python[10433]: ERROR:root:State01:Error within State_Machine: 1: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode'
Feb 12 15:56:06 OPENHABSRV python[10433]: ERROR:root:State01:Going to State_Machine: 0
Feb 12 15:56:06 OPENHABSRV python[10433]: ERROR:root:******************* Error reading config.ini file (will use defaults): [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/h
Feb 12 15:56:06 OPENHABSRV python[10433]: ERROR:root:MQTT connection error (3: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode'
Feb 12 15:58:38 OPENHABSRV python[10433]: ERROR:root:MQTT connection error (2: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode'
Feb 12 16:01:11 OPENHABSRV python[10433]: ERROR:root:MQTT connection error (1: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode'

Never mind got it permission issues. Thanks once more.

Why with the fork of tertius i always get zone labels, but with psyciknz fork i get them after a lot of the script restart?

Hi Dim,

Would you be able to download paradox TM50 firmware?

I went through a reseller, for their api, but they wanted us both to sign an nda and had a few other conditions.

So that’s why I went back to the ip150 python service

i would be really interested in trying out that binding but unfortunately i’m not able to downgrade my firmware so that i can use it again.
Any ideas? That manuals which have been posted for downgrading did not work for me…

Thanks a lot!