Bit of a newbie here. I am currently trying to set up HABot to turn on my Receiver for me, but I would also like to ask it to set the volume. Below is my current config in my .items file.
Group gReceiver "Pioneer Receiver" <receiver> (Home, LivingRoom) ["Receiver"]
Switch PioneerReceiver_Power "Power" <power> (gReceiver) ["Switchable","Power"]
Dimmer PioneerReceiver_Volume "Volume" <volume> (gReceiver) ["Volume"]
Switch PioneerReceiver_Mute "Mute" <volume> (gReceiver) ["Mute"]
The problem I’m having is that if I ask HABot to “Turn on the receiver”, it turns on the receiver, sets the volume to 100%, and Mutes it. Is there a way that I can configure this differently so that the “Turn On the Receiver” instruction specifically hits the “Power” switch item instead of hitting everything in the Receiver group?
Any help would be appreciated!