Thanks all for the comments, I’ll work my way through them
@rlkoshak I came across the OH 3 Examples, but since I couldn’t even create the item (set-time parameter), I struggled with this.
I think the bigger issue is that when I started with OH2 (~18 months ago) it was well established, there were loads of you-tube videos & other website tutorials that I could use to get up to speed. This meant that I could find a guide similar to what I wanted to do, follow it and then edit it to suit my needs. And it filled in the gaps in my knowledge along the way.
OH3 feels quite different. I’m trying to embrace the UI and move away from text files (.items, etc). It also introduces YAML and f7, which is another level of stuff to learn from scratch.
Since OH3 is still new, there aren’t the various guides and tutorials out there yet that are for complete newbies (that show every mouse click, every keyboard entry - video tutorials are especially helpful for this). I feel that most of the forum examples all start assuming a base knowledge that is just a little higher than where I am at! And I understand why this is - the early adopters are generally more tech savvy. The tutorials I found on the documentation (Adding Things - Simple / Intermediate / Advanced) are very good, but for a specific task. And I can’t extrapolate from these to what I want to do.
The problem is that I can see how good OH3 is and want to start using it now! Please note, this is not meant as criticism of anyone or anything other than my own limitations (and resulting frustrations ).