Help Setting up Owntracks Recorder

I’m looking to starting using Owntracks Recorder on a Ubuntu 16.04 machine, and have followed the steps to build it from source. And I think I have it working correctly, but get the site can’t be reached error, connection refused when trying to view it in a browser.

I’ve launched the recorder and can see my phone being posted to it. And the wiki says it should be on port 8083. And I’ve also tried the default 1883 for mosquitto as well.

Is anyone using recorder to track and log movements?

I tried specifically adding -http-host when running recorder and it looks the like port is already being used by Mosquitto.

So to run Recorder, do you need stop Mosquitto first?

ptmuldoon@UbuntuHA:~/recorder$ sudo ./ot-recorder --http-host 'owntracks/#'
ot-recorder[19823]: version 0.6.7 starting with STORAGEDIR=/var/spool/owntracks/recorder/store
ot-recorder[19823]: connecting to MQTT on localhost:1883 as clientID ot-recorder-UbuntuHA-19823 without TLS
ot-recorder[19823]: HTTP listener started on
ot-recorder[19823]: HTTP port is in use. Exiting.

Might be worth asking this on the Owntracs forums Paul?

Hi guys I’m experiencing the same problem, here is my configuration:

# Specify global configuration options for the OwnTracks Recorder
# and its associated utilities to override compiled-in defaults.
# Lines beginning with # are comments
# *** In libconfig versions < 1.4 a trailing semicolon is mandatory

# -----------------------------------------------------
# Storage directory


# -----------------------------------------------------
# Address or hostname of the MQTT broker

# -----------------------------------------------------
# MQTT can be disabled by setting this to 0.


# -----------------------------------------------------
# Username for the MQTT connection


# -----------------------------------------------------
# Password for the MQTT connection


# -----------------------------------------------------
# QoS for MQTT connection

# -----------------------------------------------------
# MQTT clientid (default is constant+hostname+pid)


# -----------------------------------------------------
# Path to PEM-encoded CA certificate file for MQTT (no default)


# -----------------------------------------------------
# Address for the HTTP module to bind to (default: localhost)

# -----------------------------------------------------
# Port number for the HTTP module to bind to (default: 8083)

# -----------------------------------------------------
# optional path to HTTP directory in which to store
# access log. Default is to not log access


# -----------------------------------------------------
# API key for reverse-geo lookups


# -----------------------------------------------------
# Reverse geo precision

# -----------------------------------------------------
# Browser API key for Google maps

# -----------------------------------------------------
# List of topics for MQTT to subscribe to, blank separated in a string


In Owntracks android app, I chose Private MQTT mode, host:, port:8083. Everything else was left as default.
On the terminal screen of my raspberry pi, here is the result:

ot-recorder[5080]: version 0.6.9 starting with STORAGEDIR=/var/spool/owntracks/recorder/store
ot-recorder[5080]: connecting to MQTT on localhost:1883 as clientID openhab without TLS
ot-recorder[5080]: HTTP listener started on
ot-recorder[5080]: Using storage at /var/spool/owntracks/recorder/store with precision 7
ot-recorder[5080]: Subscribing to owntracks/ben/Ben (qos=0)
ot-recorder[5080]: Disconnected. Reason: 0x7 [Connection refused: TLS error]
ot-recorder[5080]: MQTT connection: rc=7 [The connection was lost.] (errno=0; Success). Sleeping...
ot-recorder[5080]: Subscribing to owntracks/ben/Ben (qos=0)
ot-recorder[5080]: Disconnected. Reason: 0x7 [Connection refused: TLS error]
ot-recorder[5080]: MQTT connection: rc=7 [The connection was lost.] (errno=0; Success). Sleeping...

I couldn’t send my location data from my phone to my raspberry pi 3 (I’ve connected my phone and rasp in the same Wifi network). It seems that several guys on this forum knows this issue and successfully make it work but they unwillingly show us detailedly the way
p.s: I do have mosquitto server and client working properly. I tried typing this command: “mosquitto_sub -t topic” on one screen and “mosquitto_pub -t topic -m hello” on another, everything worked perfect except owntracks

This is the openHAB forums. If you have question about Owntracks or Recorder you are best to ask on their issue trackers/forums.

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