Heos (Denon) support

@rkrisi @martinvw
I created a recurring alarm control (see full example)

This is now my modified sitemap

sitemap default label="HomeControl"
    Switch item=State_Presence_Rules label="Presence Rules" 
    Default item=Network_PhilippPixel_Lastseen label="Pixel zuletzt gesehen"
    Frame label="Wecker" {
        Selection item=ALARM1_PERSON1_D label="Tage" mappings=[0="  Aus  ", 1="  Mo - Fr  ", 2="  Sa - So  ", 3="  Alle Tage  "]
        Setpoint item=ALARM1_PERSON1_H label="Stunde" minValue=0 maxValue=23 step=1
        Setpoint item=ALARM1_PERSON1_M label="Minuten" minValue=0 maxValue=55 step=5
        Selection item=ALARM1_PLAYLIST label="Playlist"

What I would like to do now is to select a playlist within that control. When the alarm (timer) fires, I just want to read the selected value from that item and send it to the playlist command. When I select the playlist right now it fires immediately the play command.

@rkrisi I am gonna have a look at that tomorrow, you know some similar example I could check?