Hisense TV with MQTT

Hi all,

My Hisense TV does not have an official API, but using instructions from the following thread allowed me to control it using MQTT:

I am now looking how this can be converted so I can control my TV from OpenHAB. First OpenHAB would need to authenticate with a token, certificates and username/password (generated with a specific algorithm, explained in the thread). Authentication requires manual input of a 4 digit key shown on the TV before the token can be generated. After it was generated the token can be refreshed.

Can anyone advice how to convert the mentioned python code into something OpenHAB can use?



Are you looking to write an add-on or just to control your TV from OH?

If you just want to control the TV, you don’t need to convert anything. As I understand it, you’d run that Python script as a service (that might take some finessing) and it would handle all the key and token handling stuff. Everything you’d want to do would be exposed over MQTT and you’d use the MQTT binding from the OH side of things to get information and control the TV.

If you want this to be an add-on, you’ll need to wholly port that code to Java.

Thanks Rich, I have never developed in Java and not sure where I need to start. For MQTT I am not sure where to start either as it requires me to use a certificate and I do not know how to do that from OpenHAB? I have only integrated with MQTT using subscription of switches, not sure how to get started with a complex situation like this :man_shrugging:

You don’t. The whole point is all of that certificate stuff gets handled by that Python script which runs separately from openHAB. OH and that Python script communicate over MQTT.

To put it another way, OH knows nothing about the TV nor the Python script. It just knows "subscribe to this topic and publish to that topic.

The Python script knows nothing about OH. It only knows MQTT and how to work with the TV.

In short, since you can already control the TV using MQTT, configure OH to do what ever you were already doing with MQTT to control the TV.

1 Like

Ok, I was looking into this last night. I can authenticate with the Python script, but I still need to connect using MQTT from OH to the TV to actually do stuff. That connection, using the same certificates as I use from the Python script, somehow fails. Any thoughts about this?

My MQTT Broker config is as follows:

UID: mqtt:broker:6f7b7c1eec
label: MQTT Broker Hisense
thingTypeUID: mqtt:broker
  lwtQos: 0
  publickeypin: true
  clientID: <clientID from python script>
  hostnameValidated: false
  secure: true
  birthRetain: false
  certificatepin: true
  protocol: TCP
  password: <authentication token from python script>
  qos: 0
  privateKeyFile: D:\\OpenHAB\\conf\\certificates\\rcm_pem_privkey.pem
  mqttVersion: V3
  caCertFile: ""
  enableDiscovery: false
  keepAlive: 60
  verifyCertificate: false
  tlsVersion: TLSv1.2
  shutdownRetain: false
  reconnectTime: 60000
  port: 36669
  certificateFile: D:\\OpenHAB\\conf\\certificates\\rcm_certchain_pem.pem
  lwtRetain: false
  username: <username from python script>

The ip, port, client_id, username and password all work with these pem-files from Python / Paho MQTT. For some reason OpenHab generates the following error:
“javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure”

It does generate the Certificate Hash and Public Key Hash, so it can find and parse the certificates I provided, but after pausing/starting the thing it then generates:

“java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: Algorithm is missing”

Any thoughts?



You miss my point from above. OH is not going to communicate with the TV directly. Besides the challenges in getting this sort of certificate authentication working you have this:

We’ve already managed to produce a working Python script to both obtain the token and refresh it:

The OH MQTT binding does not and will never support refreshing the access credentials on the fly like that. That’s not standard MQTT and even HA is needing to build a custom MQTT service to support it:

think the best approach for building a HASS integration would be working with sehaas/ha_hisense_tv and building a custom MQTT bridge that handles the token authentication on its own.

It’s never going to work to have OH directly connect to this device short of someone writing a new binding or making significant changes to the existing binding.

What I suggested above is to modify the Python script that does handle all of this so that it acts as a proxy to the TV.

openHAB <--> MQTT Broker <---> Python Script <---> Hisense MQTT Broker <---> TV

Thanks Rich. I cannot connect to the MQTT Broker unless I have a method for the certificates. I have now created a Python script that allows command line parameters that offers all I need:

import re
import uuid
import hashlib
import time
import json
import logging
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
from pprint import pprint
import keyboard 
import argparse

# Configuration
tv_ip = ""
certfile = "./rcm_certchain_pem.cer"
keyfile = "./rcm_pem_privkey.pkcs8"
check_interval = 0.1
debug = True

# Logging setup
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

class TVAuthenticator:
    def __init__(self):
        self.reply = None
        self.authentication_payload = None
        self.authentication_code_payload = None
        self.tokenissuance = None
        self.accesstoken = None
        self.accesstoken_time = None
        self.accesstoken_duration_day = None
        self.refreshtoken = None
        self.refreshtoken_time = None
        self.refreshtoken_duration_day = None
        self.client_id = None
        self.username = None
        self.password = None
        self.timestamp = None
        self.authenticated = False

        self.topicTVUIBasepath = None
        self.topicTVPSBasepath = None
        self.topicMobiBasepath = None
        self.topicBrcsBasepath = None
        self.topicRemoBasepath = None

        self.info = None

    # Sum all digits of a number
    def cross_sum(n):
        return sum(int(digit) for digit in str(n))

    # Convert a string to a hash
    def string_to_hash(input_str):
        return hashlib.md5(input_str.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest().upper()

    # Action when connected
    def on_connect(self, client, userdata, flags, rc):
        if rc == 0:
            client.connected_flag = True
            if debug:
                logging.info("Connected to MQTT broker")
            logging.error(f"Bad connection. Returned code: {rc}")
            client.bad_connection_flag = True

    # Action when message received
    def on_message(self, client, userdata, msg):
        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Message received: {msg.payload.decode('utf-8')} on topic {msg.topic}")
        self.authenticated = False
        self.reply = msg

    # Action when subscribed
    def on_subscribe(self, client, userdata, mid, granted_qos):
        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Subscribed: {mid} {granted_qos}")

    # Action when published
    def on_publish(self, client, userdata, mid):
        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Published message {mid}")

    # Action when disconnected
    def on_disconnect(self, client, userdata, rc):
        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Disconnected. Reason: {rc}")

    # Action when authentication message received
    def on_authentication(self, mosq, obj, msg):
        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Authentication message received: {msg.payload.decode('utf-8')} on topic {msg.topic}")
        self.authentication_payload = msg

    # Action when authentication code message received
    def on_authentication_code(self, mosq, obj, msg):
        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Authentication code message received: {msg.payload.decode('utf-8')} on topic {msg.topic}")
        self.authentication_code_payload = msg

    # Action when token issuance message received
    def on_tokenissuance(self, mosq, obj, msg):
        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Token issuance message received: {msg.payload.decode('utf-8')} on topic {msg.topic}")
        self.tokenissuance = msg

    # Action when information message received
    def on_info(self, mosq, obj, msg):
        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Information message received: {msg.payload.decode('utf-8')} on topic {msg.topic}")
        self.info = msg.payload.decode('utf-8')

    # Wait for a message (condition is a lambda function that returns True or False)
    def wait_for_message(self, condition, check_interval=1, debug=False):
        time.sleep(1)  # Initial delay to prevent false negatives
        print("Waiting for message... (press and hold escape to cancel waiting)")
        start_time = time.time()
        print("Waiting...", end='', flush=True)
        while condition():
            if keyboard.is_pressed('esc'):
                print("\nEscape pressed. Exiting...")

            current_time = time.time()
            if current_time - start_time >= 3:
                print(".", end='', flush=True)
                start_time = current_time
    # Open the client and connect to the TV
    def create_mqtt_client(self, client_id, certfile, keyfile, username, password, userdata=None):
        if debug:
            logging.info("Creating MQTT client...")
        client = mqtt.Client(client_id=client_id, clean_session=True, userdata=userdata, protocol=mqtt.MQTTv311, transport="tcp")
        client.tls_set(ca_certs=None, certfile=certfile, keyfile=keyfile, cert_reqs=mqtt.ssl.CERT_NONE, tls_version=mqtt.ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS)
        client.username_pw_set(username=username, password=password)

        # Attach event handlers
        client.on_connect = self.on_connect
        client.on_message = self.on_message
        client.on_publish = self.on_publish
        client.on_disconnect = self.on_disconnect

        client.connected_flag = False
        client.bad_connection_flag = False

        return client

    # Refresh the token
    def refresh_token(self):
        if debug:
            logging.info("Refreshing token...")

        client = self.create_mqtt_client(client_id=self.client_id, certfile=certfile, keyfile=keyfile, username=self.username, password=self.accesstoken)
        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Adding callback message to {self.topicMobiBasepath}platform_service/data/tokenissuance")
        client.message_callback_add(self.topicMobiBasepath + 'platform_service/data/tokenissuance', self.on_tokenissuance)

        client.connect_async(tv_ip, 36669, 60)

        self.wait_for_message(lambda: not client.connected_flag)

        client.subscribe(self.topicMobiBasepath + 'platform_service/data/tokenissuance')
        client.publish(f"/remoteapp/tv/platform_service/{self.client_id}/data/gettoken", json.dumps({"refreshtoken": self.refreshtoken}))

        self.wait_for_message(lambda: self.tokenissuance is None)

        token_data = json.loads(self.tokenissuance.payload.decode())
        token_data.update({"client_id": self.client_id, "username": self.username, "password": self.password})

        if debug:
            logging.info('Token issued successfully')
        with open('credentials.json', 'w') as file:
            json.dump(token_data, file, indent=4)
        if debug:
            logging.info('Credentials saved to credentials.json')        


        self.authenticated = True

        return token_data["accesstoken"]

    # Check and refresh the token if needed
    def check_and_refresh_token(self):
        current_time = time.time()
        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Current time is {time.ctime(current_time)}")

        expiration_time = int(self.accesstoken_time) + (int(self.accesstoken_duration_day) * 24 * 60 * 60)
        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Access Token expires at {time.ctime(expiration_time)}")

        refresh_expiration_time = int(self.refreshtoken_time) + (int(self.refreshtoken_duration_day) * 24 * 60 * 60)
        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Refresh Token expires at {time.ctime(refresh_expiration_time)}")

        if current_time <= expiration_time:
            if debug:
                logging.info("Token still valid, no need to refresh")
            time_diff = expiration_time - current_time
            days = time_diff // (24 * 60 * 60)
            hours = (time_diff % (24 * 60 * 60)) // (60 * 60)
            minutes = (time_diff % (60 * 60)) // 60
            seconds = time_diff % 60
            if debug:
                logging.info(f"Token expires in {int(days)} days, {int(hours)} hours, {int(minutes)} minutes, and {int(seconds)} seconds")
            return self.accesstoken

        if debug:
            logging.info("Token not valid, refreshing the token")

        return self.refresh_token()
    # Define the hashes, username, password and client_id
    def define_hashes(self):
        self.timestamp = int(time.time())
        mac = ':'.join(re.findall('..', '%012x' % uuid.getnode())).upper()
        if debug:
            logging.info(f'MAC Address: {mac}')

        first_hash = self.string_to_hash("&vidaa#^app")
        second_hash = self.string_to_hash(f"38D65DC30F45109A369A86FCE866A85B${mac}")
        last_digit_of_cross_sum = self.cross_sum(self.timestamp) % 10
        third_hash = self.string_to_hash(f"his{last_digit_of_cross_sum}h*i&s%e!r^v0i1c9")
        fourth_hash = self.string_to_hash(f"{self.timestamp}${third_hash[:6]}")

        self.username = f"his${self.timestamp}"
        self.password = fourth_hash

        if debug:
            logging.info(f'First Hash: {first_hash}')
            logging.info(f'Second Hash: {second_hash}')
            logging.info(f'Third Hash: {third_hash}')
            logging.info(f'Fourth Hash: {fourth_hash}')

        self.client_id = f"{mac}$his${second_hash[:6]}_vidaacommon_001"
        if debug:
            logging.info(f'Client ID: {self.client_id}')

    # Define the topic paths
    def define_topic_paths(self):
        self.topicTVUIBasepath = f"/remoteapp/tv/ui_service/{self.client_id}/"
        self.topicTVPSBasepath = f"/remoteapp/tv/platform_service/{self.client_id}/"
        self.topicMobiBasepath = f"/remoteapp/mobile/{self.client_id}/"
        self.topicBrcsBasepath = f"/remoteapp/mobile/broadcast/"
        self.topicRemoBasepath = f"/remoteapp/tv/remote_service/{self.client_id}/"

    # Authenticate with the TV and write the credentials to the credentials file
    def generate_creds(self):

        client = self.create_mqtt_client(client_id=self.client_id, certfile=certfile, keyfile=keyfile, username=self.username, password=self.password)
        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Adding callback messages for authentication...")
        client.message_callback_add(self.topicMobiBasepath + 'ui_service/data/authentication', self.on_authentication)
        client.message_callback_add(self.topicMobiBasepath + 'ui_service/data/authenticationcode', self.on_authentication_code)
        client.message_callback_add(self.topicBrcsBasepath + 'ui_service/data/hotelmodechange', self.on_message)
        client.message_callback_add(self.topicMobiBasepath + 'platform_service/data/tokenissuance', self.on_tokenissuance)

        client.connect_async(tv_ip, 36669, 60)

        self.wait_for_message(lambda: not client.connected_flag)

            (self.topicBrcsBasepath + 'ui_service/state', 0),
            (self.topicTVUIBasepath + 'actions/vidaa_app_connect', 0),
            (self.topicMobiBasepath + 'ui_service/data/authentication', 0),
            (self.topicMobiBasepath + 'ui_service/data/authenticationcode', 0),
            (self.topicBrcsBasepath + "ui_service/data/hotelmodechange", 0),
            (self.topicMobiBasepath + 'platform_service/data/tokenissuance', 0),

        if debug:
            logging.info('Publishing message to actions/vidaa_app_connect...')
        client.publish(self.topicTVUIBasepath + "actions/vidaa_app_connect", '{"app_version":2,"connect_result":0,"device_type":"Mobile App"}')
        self.wait_for_message(lambda: self.authentication_payload is None)

        if self.authentication_payload.payload.decode() != '""':
            logging.error('Problems with the authentication message!')

        if debug:
            logging.info(f'Subscribing to {self.topicMobiBasepath}ui_service/data/authenticationcode...')
        client.subscribe(self.topicMobiBasepath + 'ui_service/data/authenticationcode')

        authsuccess = False
        while not authsuccess:
            auth_num = input("Enter the four digits displayed on your TV: ")
            client.publish(self.topicTVUIBasepath + "actions/authenticationcode", f'{{"authNum":{auth_num}}}')

            self.wait_for_message(lambda: self.authentication_code_payload is None)

            if json.loads(self.authentication_code_payload.payload.decode()) != {"result": 1, "info": ""}:
                if debug:
                    logging.error('Problems with the authentication message!')
                authsuccess = True

        if debug:
            logging.info("Success! Getting access token...")
        client.publish(self.topicTVPSBasepath + "data/gettoken", '{"refreshtoken": ""}')
        client.publish(self.topicTVUIBasepath + "actions/authenticationcodeclose")

        client.subscribe(self.topicBrcsBasepath + 'ui_service/data/hotelmodechange')
        client.subscribe(self.topicMobiBasepath + 'platform_service/data/tokenissuance')

        self.wait_for_message(lambda: self.tokenissuance is None)

        token_data = json.loads(self.tokenissuance.payload.decode())
        token_data.update({"client_id": self.client_id, "username": self.username, "password": self.password})

        if debug:
            logging.info('Token issued successfully')
        with open('credentials.json', 'w') as file:
            json.dump(token_data, file, indent=4)
        if debug:
            logging.info('Credentials saved to credentials.json')        


        self.authenticated = True

        return token_data["accesstoken"]

    # Load the credentials from the credentials file or generate new ones
    def load_or_generate_creds(self, rec=False):
            with open('credentials.json', 'r') as file:
                if debug:
                    logging.info('Loading stored credentials...')
                saved_credentials = json.load(file)
                self.accesstoken = saved_credentials["accesstoken"]
                self.accesstoken_time = saved_credentials["accesstoken_time"]
                self.accesstoken_duration_day = saved_credentials["accesstoken_duration_day"]
                self.refreshtoken = saved_credentials["refreshtoken"]
                self.refreshtoken_time = saved_credentials["refreshtoken_time"]
                self.refreshtoken_duration_day = saved_credentials["refreshtoken_duration_day"]
                self.client_id = saved_credentials['client_id']
                self.username = saved_credentials['username']
                self.password = saved_credentials['password']
                self.authenticated = True
        except FileNotFoundError:
            if not rec:
                if debug:
                    logging.info('No stored credentials found, starting auth with TV...')
                if debug:
                    logging.error('Unable to generate credentials.')

    # Show the credentials
    def show_credentials(self):
        current_time = time.time()
        print(f"Current time is {time.ctime(current_time)}")
        print("client_id: " + self.client_id)
        print("username: " + self.username)
        print("password: " + self.password)
        print("accesstoken: " + self.accesstoken)
        print("accesstoken_time: " + self.accesstoken_time)
        print("accesstoken_duration_day: " + str(self.accesstoken_duration_day))
        expiration_time = int(self.accesstoken_time) + (int(self.accesstoken_duration_day) * 24 * 60 * 60)
        print(f"Access Token expires at {time.ctime(expiration_time)}")
        print("refreshtoken: " + self.refreshtoken)
        print("refreshtoken_time: " + self.refreshtoken_time)
        print("refreshtoken_duration_day: " + str(self.refreshtoken_duration_day))
        refresh_expiration_time = int(self.refreshtoken_time) + (int(self.refreshtoken_duration_day) * 24 * 60 * 60)
        print(f"Refresh Token expires at {time.ctime(refresh_expiration_time)}")

    # Get requested information from the TV
    def get_info(self, callback_message, subscribe_topic, publish_topic):
        if debug:
            logging.info("Getting information...")
        client = self.create_mqtt_client(client_id=self.client_id, certfile=certfile, keyfile=keyfile, username=self.username, password=self.accesstoken)
        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Adding callback to {callback_message}")
        client.message_callback_add(callback_message, self.on_info)

        client.connect_async(tv_ip, 36669, 60)

        self.wait_for_message(lambda: not client.connected_flag)

        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Subscribing for {subscribe_topic}")
        # client.subscribe(subscribe_topic)
            (subscribe_topic, 0),
            (self.topicMobiBasepath + 'ui_service/data/authentication', 0), # if authentication fails, this will return a message

        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Publishing message to {publish_topic}")
        client.publish(publish_topic, None)

        self.wait_for_message(lambda: self.info is None)
        # self.wait_for_message(lambda: True is True)

        if not self.authenticated:
            if debug:
                logging.info("NOT Authenticated")


        if self.info:
            if debug:
                logging.info(f"Information received: {self.info}")
            return json.loads(self.info)
            logging.error("Failed to get information")
            return None

    # Send a command to the TV
    def send_command(self, publish_topic, command = None):
        if debug:
            logging.info("Sending command to TV...")
        client = self.create_mqtt_client(client_id=self.client_id, certfile=certfile, keyfile=keyfile, username=self.username, password=self.accesstoken)
        if debug:
            logging.info("No callback message needed for command sending.")

        client.connect_async(tv_ip, 36669, 60)

        self.wait_for_message(lambda: not client.connected_flag)

        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Publishing {command} command to {publish_topic}")
        client.publish(publish_topic, command)
        if debug:
            logging.info("Command sent.")

    # Get the current state of the TV
    def get_tv_state(self):
        if debug:
            logging.info("Getting TV state...")
        get_tv_state_subscribe = self.topicBrcsBasepath + "ui_service/state"
        get_tv_state_callback = self.topicBrcsBasepath + "ui_service/state"
        get_tv_state_publish = self.topicTVUIBasepath + "actions/gettvstate"
        tv_state = self.get_info(get_tv_state_callback, get_tv_state_subscribe, get_tv_state_publish)
        return tv_state

    # Get the source list of the TV
    def get_source_list(self):
        if debug:
            logging.info("Getting source list...")
        get_source_list_callback = self.topicMobiBasepath + "ui_service/data/sourcelist"
        get_source_list_subscribe = self.topicMobiBasepath + "ui_service/data/sourcelist"
        get_source_list_publish = self.topicTVUIBasepath + "actions/sourcelist"
        source_list = self.get_info(get_source_list_callback, get_source_list_subscribe, get_source_list_publish)
        return source_list
    # Get the volume of the TV
    def get_volume(self):
        if debug:
            logging.info("Getting volume...")
        get_volume_callback = self.topicBrcsBasepath + "platform_service/actions/volumechange"
        get_volume_subscribe = self.topicBrcsBasepath + "platform_service/actions/volumechange"
        get_volume_publish = self.topicTVPSBasepath + "actions/getvolume"
        volume = self.get_info(get_volume_callback, get_volume_subscribe, get_volume_publish)
        return volume

    # Get the app list of the TV
    def get_app_list(self):
        if debug:
            logging.info("Getting app list...")
        get_app_list_callback = self.topicMobiBasepath + "ui_service/data/applist"
        get_app_list_subscribe = self.topicMobiBasepath + "ui_service/data/applist"
        get_app_list_publish = self.topicTVUIBasepath + "actions/applist"
        app_list = self.get_info(get_app_list_callback, get_app_list_subscribe, get_app_list_publish)
        return app_list

    # Power Cycle the TV
    def power_cycle_tv(self):
        if debug:
            logging.info("Power cycling the TV...")
        power_cycle_command = "KEY_POWER"
        power_cycle_publish = self.topicRemoBasepath + "actions/sendkey"
        self.send_command(power_cycle_publish, power_cycle_command)
        return True

    # Change the source of the TV
    def change_source(self, source_id):
        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Changing source to {source_id}...")
        change_source_publish = self.topicTVUIBasepath + "actions/changesource"
        change_source_command = json.dumps({"sourceid": source_id})
        self.send_command(change_source_publish, change_source_command)
        return True

    # Change the volume of the TV
    def change_volume(self, volume):
        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Changing volume to {volume}...")
        change_volume_publish = self.topicTVPSBasepath + "actions/changevolume"
        change_volume_command = str(volume)
        self.send_command(change_volume_publish, change_volume_command)
        return True

    # Launch an app on the TV
    def launch_app(self, app_name, app_list = None):
        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Launching app {app_name}...")

        if not app_list:
            app_list = self.get_app_list()
            if not app_list:
                print("Failed to get app list.")
                return False

            app_id = None
            app_url = None

            for app in app_list:
                if app["name"].upper() == app_name.upper():
                    app_id = app["appId"]
                    app_url = app["url"]
                    app_name = app["name"]

            if app_id is None or app_url is None:
                print("Failed to find app in app list.")
                return False
        launch_app_publish = self.topicTVUIBasepath + "actions/launchapp"
        launch_app_command = json.dumps({"appId": app_id, "name": app_name, "url": app_url})
        self.send_command(launch_app_publish, launch_app_command)
        return True
    # Show the help message
    def show_help(self):
        print("1. Get TV State, from command line: --action getstate")
        print("2. Power Cycle TV, from command line: --action powercycle (of use poweron or poweroff which first gets the state)")
        print("3. Get Source List, from command line: --action getsourcelist")
        print("4. Change Source, from command line: --action changesource --parameter <source_name>")
        print("5. Get Volume, from command line: --action getvolume")
        print("6. Change Volume, from command line: --action changevolume --parameter <volume>")
        print("7. Get App List, from command line: --action getapplist")
        print("8. Launch App, from command line: --action launchapp --parameter <app_name>\n")

        print("C. Show Credentials, from command line: --action showcredentials")
        print("R. Refresh Token, from command line: --action refreshtoken")
        print("F. Force Refresh Token, from command line: --action forcerefresh")
        print("S. Save Credentials, from command line: --action save")
        print("L. Load Credentials, from command line: --action load")
        print("A. Authenticate, from command line: --action authenticate\n")

        print("H. Help, from command line: --action help\n")

        print("0. Exit, from command line: --action exit\n")

# Main function
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Initialize the TVAuthenticator class
    auth = TVAuthenticator()

    # Parse command line arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Hisense TV Control')
    parser.add_argument('--action', type=str, help='Action to perform', choices=['getstate', 'powercycle', 'poweron', 'poweroff', 'getsourcelist', 'changesource', 'getvolume', 'changevolume', 'getapplist', 'launchapp', 'showcredentials', 'forcerefresh', 'refreshtoken', 'save', 'load', 'authenticate', 'help', 'exit'])
    parser.add_argument('--parameter', type=str, help='Parameter for the action')
    parser.add_argument('--debug', type=str, help='Set debug mode on or off (True/False)', choices=['True', 'False'], default='False')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Set debug mode
    if args.debug == "True":
        debug = True
    elif args.debug == "False":
        debug = False

    # Load or generate credentials

    # Show the credentials

    # Define hashes and topic paths

    # Refresh the token if needed

    # Main loop
    action = None
    while action != "0":
        if not args.action:
            print("\nChoose an action:\n")
            action = input("Action: ")
            action = args.action

        action = action.upper()
        if debug:
            logging.info(f"Action: {action}")

        if action == "1" or action == "GETSTATE":
            # Get TV State
            tv_state = auth.get_tv_state()
            if tv_state:
                print(f"TV State: \n{json.dumps(tv_state, indent=4)}")
                print("Failed to get TV state.")

        elif action == "2" or action == "POWERCYCLE":
            # Power cycle the TV
            command_sent = auth.power_cycle_tv()
            if command_sent:
                print("Power cycle command sent.")
                print("Failed to send power cycle command.")

        elif action == "3" or action == "GETSOURCELIST":
            # Get source list
            source_list = auth.get_source_list()
            if source_list:
                print(f"Source list: \n{json.dumps(source_list, indent=4)}")
                print("Failed to get source list.")

        elif action == "4" or action == "CHANGESOURCE":
            # Change Source
            if not args.parameter:
                source_list = auth.get_source_list()
                if source_list:
                    print(f"Source list: \n{json.dumps(source_list, indent=4)}")
                    parameter = input("Enter the source ID: ")
                    print("Failed to get source list.")
                source_id = args.parameter

            source_changed = auth.change_source(source_id)
            if source_changed:
                print(f"Source changed to {source_id}")
                print("Failed to change source.")

        elif action == "5" or action == "GETVOLUME":
            # Get Volume
            volume = auth.get_volume()
            if volume:
                print(f"Volume: \n{json.dumps(volume, indent=4)}")
                print("Failed to get volume.")

        elif action == "6" or action == "CHANGEVOLUME":
            # Change Volume
            if not args.parameter:
                volume = get_volume()
                if volume:
                    print(f"Volume: \n{json.dumps(volume, indent=4)}")
                    volume = input("Enter the volume level (0-100): ")
                    print("Failed to get volume.")
                volume = args.parameter

            volume_changed = auth.change_volume(volume)
            if volume_changed:
                print(f"Volume changed to {volume}")
                print("Failed to change volume.")

        elif action == "7" or action == "GETAPPLIST":
            # Get App List
            app_list = auth.get_app_list()
            if app_list:
                print(f"App list: \n{json.dumps(app_list, indent=4)}")
                for app in app_list:
                print("Failed to get app list.")

        elif action == "8" or action == "LAUNCHAPP":
            # Launch App
            app_list = None
            if not args.parameter:
                app_list = auth.get_app_list()
                if app_list:
                    print(f"App list: \n{json.dumps(app_list, indent=4)}")
                    app_name = input("Enter the app name to launch: ")
                    print("Failed to get app list.")
                app_name = args.parameter

            app_launched = auth.launch_app(app_name, app_list)
            if app_launched:
                print(f"App launched: {app_name}")
                print("Failed to launch app.")

        elif action == "C" or action == "SHOWCREDENTIALS":
            # Show credentials

        elif action == "F" or action == "FORCEREFRESH":
            # Refresh token
            print("Token refreshed.")

        elif action == "R" or action == "REFRESHTOKEN":
            # Refresh token
            print("Token refreshed.")

        elif action == "S" or action == "SAVE":
            # Save credentials
            print("Credentials saved.")

        elif action == "L" or action == "LOAD":
            # Load credentials
            print("Credentials loaded.")

        elif action == "A" or action == "AUTHENTICATE":
            # Delete credentials
            print("Credentials deleted.")

        elif action == "H" or action == "HELP":
            # Help

        elif action == "0" or action == "EXIT":
            if debug:
            # Exit

        elif action == "POWERON":
            # Power on the TV
            print("Powering on the TV...")

            # Get TV State
            tv_state = auth.get_tv_state()
            if tv_state:
                if "statetype" in tv_state and tv_state["statetype"] == "fake_sleep_0":
                    # Power cycle the TV
                    command_sent = auth.power_cycle_tv()
                    if command_sent:
                        print("Power cycle command sent.")
                        print("Failed to send power cycle command.")
                    print("TV is already on.")
                print("Failed to get TV state.")

        elif action == "POWEROFF":
            # Power off the TV
            print("Powering off the TV...")

            # Get TV State
            tv_state = auth.get_tv_state()
            if tv_state:
                if "statetype" in tv_state and tv_state["statetype"] != "fake_sleep_0":
                    # Power cycle the TV
                    command_sent = auth.power_cycle_tv()
                    if command_sent:
                        print("Power cycle command sent.")
                        print("Failed to send power cycle command.")
                    print("TV is already off.")
                print("Failed to get TV state.")

        # Exit when passed from command line
        if args.action:
            if debug:
                logging.info("Command from command line done - Exiting...")

I trigger this using a script like this:

var logger          = Java.type('org.slf4j.LoggerFactory').getLogger('org.openhab.rule.' + ctx.ruleUID);
var Exec            = Java.type('org.openhab.core.model.script.actions.Exec');
var Duration        = Java.type('java.time.Duration');
var FrameworkUtil   = Java.type("org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil");
var _bundle         = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(scriptExtension.class);
var bundle_context  = _bundle.getBundleContext()
var classname       = "org.openhab.core.automation.RuleManager"
var RuleManager_Ref = bundle_context.getServiceReference(classname);
var RuleManager     = bundle_context.getService(RuleManager_Ref);
var map             = new java.util.HashMap();
var dur             = Duration.ofSeconds(240);

logger.info("Power ON Hisense TV");
  var execRes = Exec.executeCommandLine(dur,"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe", "/c", "D:\\openHABScripts\\hisense\\hisense-poweron.cmd", "1>&2");
  logger.info("CommandLine Result:\n" + execRes);
  logger.info("Done powering ON Hisense TV)");
  logger.error("CommandLine Error: " + e);

Any suggestions to improve all of this are welcome off course…



This OH rule script is a Nashorn JS script? If it’s JS Scripting as written it’s pretty overdone. It could be

var dur = time.Duration.ofSeconds(240);

console.info('Power ON Hisense TV');
var execRes = actions.Exec.executeCommandLine(dur, "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe", "/c", "D:\\openHABScripts\\hisense\\hisense-poweron.cmd", "1>&2");
console.info('CommandLine Result:\n' + execRes);
if(execRes.includes('Failed')) {
  console.error('CommandLine Error: ' + execRes);
else {
  console.info('Done powering ON Hisense TV');

Comments and Questions:

  • does Windows cmd.exe support IO redirection like Unix/Linux now?
  • you could use the Exec binding for this instead of a rule
  • executeCommandLine never throws an exception so the try/catch isn’t useful here

Kewl, Exec Binding here… Never knew that existed, will try playing around with that :+1: The script I posted was provided elsewhere on the forum and the only script that worked which I could find at the time (3.1 or so)…

Hi Nika
Did you get a working solution to control your hisense Tv from openhab. Would be great if you can share a final guide, I’m struggling to follow the evolution of the parts.

Yes, but very tricky as I couldn’t get it to work with the OpenHAB MQTT (which doesn’t seem to correctly support the mqtt versions and certificates which Hisense requires).

I use my script from here:

I have multiple scripts running:

For instance to change to HDMI1:

var logger          = Java.type('org.slf4j.LoggerFactory').getLogger('org.openhab.rule.' + ctx.ruleUID);
var Exec            = Java.type('org.openhab.core.model.script.actions.Exec');
var Duration        = Java.type('java.time.Duration');
var FrameworkUtil   = Java.type("org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil");
var _bundle         = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(scriptExtension.class);
var bundle_context  = _bundle.getBundleContext()
var classname       = "org.openhab.core.automation.RuleManager"
var RuleManager_Ref = bundle_context.getServiceReference(classname);
var RuleManager     = bundle_context.getService(RuleManager_Ref);
var map             = new java.util.HashMap();
var dur             = Duration.ofSeconds(240);

logger.info("Changing Source Hisense TV to HDMI1");
  var execRes = Exec.executeCommandLine(dur,"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe", "/c", "D:\\openHABScripts\\hisense\\hisense-changesource-HDMI1.cmd", "1>&2");
  logger.info("CommandLine Result:\n" + execRes);
  logger.info("Done changing source for Hisense TV to HDMI1)");
  logger.error("CommandLine Error: " + e);

With the dos CMD batchfile:

@echo off
echo %date% %time% Change Source on Hisense TV >"D:\openHABScripts\hisense\hisense-changesource-HDMI1.log" 2>&1
CD "D:\openHABScripts\hisense"
REM C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe /f /im:chromedriver.exe
D:\Python37\python.exe D:\openHABScripts\hisense\hisense.py --debug True --action changesource --parameter HDMI1 >>"D:\openHABScripts\hisense\hisense-changesource-HDMI1.log" 2>&1
D:\Python37\python.exe D:\openHABScripts\hisense\hisense.py --debug True --action poweron >>"D:\openHABScripts\hisense\hisense-changesource-HDMI1.log" 2>&1
ping -n 6 > nul
D:\Python37\python.exe D:\openHABScripts\hisense\hisense.py --debug True --action changesource --parameter HDMI1 >>"D:\openHABScripts\hisense\hisense-changesource-HDMI1.log" 2>&1
echo %date% %time% Done! >>"D:\openHABScripts\hisense\hisense-changesource-HDMI1.log" 2>&1

Additionally, to get the AuthCode, I have two scripts:

var logger          = Java.type('org.slf4j.LoggerFactory').getLogger('org.openhab.rule.' + ctx.ruleUID);
var Exec            = Java.type('org.openhab.core.model.script.actions.Exec');
var Duration        = Java.type('java.time.Duration');
var FrameworkUtil   = Java.type("org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil");
var _bundle         = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(scriptExtension.class);
var bundle_context  = _bundle.getBundleContext()
var classname       = "org.openhab.core.automation.RuleManager"
var RuleManager_Ref = bundle_context.getServiceReference(classname);
var RuleManager     = bundle_context.getService(RuleManager_Ref);
var map             = new java.util.HashMap();
var dur             = Duration.ofSeconds(240);

logger.info("Authenticating Hisense TV");

try {
  var execRes = Exec.executeCommandLine(dur,"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe", "/c", "D:\\openHABScripts\\hisense\\hisense-fileauth.cmd", "1>&2");
  logger.info("CommandLine Result:\n" + execRes);
  events.postUpdate("HisenseTV_Response", execRes)
  events.postUpdate("HisenseTV_StartAuth", "OFF")
catch (e) {
  logger.error("CommandLine Error: " + e);

logger.info("Done authenticating Hisense TV)");

which triggers this DOS-script:

@echo off
echo %date% %time% Authenticate on Hisense TV >"D:\openHABScripts\hisense\hisense-fileauth.log" 2>&1
CD "D:\openHABScripts\hisense" >>"D:\openHABScripts\hisense\hisense-fileauth.log" 2>&1
CD >>"D:\openHABScripts\hisense\hisense-fileauth.log" 2>&1

IF EXIST authcode.txt DEL authcode.txt >>"D:\openHABScripts\hisense\hisense-fileauth.log" 2>&1
D:\Python37\python.exe D:\openHABScripts\hisense\hisense.py --debug True --action authenticate --wait True >>"D:\openHABScripts\hisense\hisense-fileauth.log" 2>&1

C:\Windows\System32\findstr.exe /C:"Token issued successfully" "D:\openHABScripts\hisense\hisense-fileauth.log" >nul
    echo %date% %time% Token issued successfully
) ELSE (
    echo %date% %time% Token not issued successfully

echo %date% %time% Done! >>"D:\openHABScripts\hisense\hisense-fileauth.log" 2>&1


var logger          = Java.type('org.slf4j.LoggerFactory').getLogger('org.openhab.rule.' + ctx.ruleUID);
var Exec            = Java.type('org.openhab.core.model.script.actions.Exec');
var Duration        = Java.type('java.time.Duration');
var FrameworkUtil   = Java.type("org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil");
var _bundle         = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(scriptExtension.class);
var bundle_context  = _bundle.getBundleContext()
var classname       = "org.openhab.core.automation.RuleManager"
var RuleManager_Ref = bundle_context.getServiceReference(classname);
var RuleManager     = bundle_context.getService(RuleManager_Ref);
var map             = new java.util.HashMap();
var dur             = Duration.ofSeconds(240);

logger.info("Writing Authcode Hisense TV");
var authCode = itemRegistry.getItem("HisenseTV_AuthCode").state;
logger.info("Writing authcode: " + authCode);
  var execRes = Exec.executeCommandLine(dur,"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe", "/c", "D:\\openHABScripts\\hisense\\hisense-auth.cmd " + authCode, "1>&2");
  logger.info("CommandLine Result:\n" + execRes);
  logger.info("Done authenticating Hisense TV)");
  logger.error("CommandLine Error: " + e);

which triggers this script:

@echo off
echo %1>D:\openHABScripts\hisense\authcode.txt

As you can see, the script just needs three items:
String HisenseTV_AuthCode “Hisense Authentication Code [%d]” (hisense) [“String”]
Switch HisenseTV_StartAuth “Hisense Start Authentication” (hisense) [“Switch”]
String HisenseTV_Response “Hisense Response [%s]” (hisense) [“Point”]

Trigger it with StartAuth, wait for the Response and add the code in AuthCode which triggers the other script to finish authentication…

Yes, quite some spaghetti code but it works… for me…



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